The acquaintance is the origin, knowing each other is margin continued, is very.
Chinese ancients said, without knowing each other near and far, thousands of miles apart.
I want to plant a tree for you to witness that we spend every minute of knowing each other.
This job uses a statistical model to predict the probability of two people knowing each other.
Want to find a girlfriend is good at a foreign language and knowing each other, a beautiful life together.
After knowing each other for a while, I soon realized that he was so different compare with my other friends.
Oh! And by not allowing employee living at home, knowing each other, you cut down municating and friendship, which saves money.
Forget themselves in the network, knowing each other on the network, fall in love on the network, the network is a lovely platform!
This example illustrates that objects can work together without knowing each other, as long as there is someone around to set up a connection between them initially.
Last but not least, city-residents are not only separated from nature but also isolated from each other, even not knowing the name of their next-door neighbour.
Knowing about this could help us understand their cultures and communicate with each other.
At each library, librarians order new books regularly without knowing whether other public libraries have them.
There was little more for them to say to each other, and Teacher Fei watched the man walk down the street, knowing that nothing would be changed by their brief meeting.
This lets applications communicate with each other without knowing the location of the receiving applications.
"If anything can bring them comfort at this time, it's knowing that Brendan and Travis can be next to each other," she said.
Two families may end up locked together in a grim ritual, each sending a card because they know the other will send one, each knowing that this is the only reason the CARDS are sent.
Knowing that their actions are appreciated makes a couple more giving toward each other, and the more you give to each other the more your love will grow.
They moved in the same rhythm, ready to cover each other, knowing when the other would go on the offense.
Trust is the basis for commercial relationships: good deals rely on both parties doing their bit, often without knowing that much about each other.
Romeo visiting Juliet backyard, two people love each other, knowing himself the disagreement among the family is their obstacles, so they in the help getting secret.
Ac Milan and Inter face each other in Friday's Derby with both side's knowing the outcome could have a major effect on their European aims for next season.
Friendship begins with knowing and understanding each other.
You act as strangers with each other not knowing or caring to know the truth.
You act as strangers with each other not knowing or caring to know the truth.