They are most fit to perform these tasks because they have the necessary business domain knowledge.
If you do not have domain knowledge of the business area, try to work with people that can provide this knowledge.
These developers possess the expertise and knowledge of the business domain, business requirements, and how to implement these systems.
With that said, most of you read this knowledge domain for technical details, so I'll start giving your those in the subsequent sections of this article.
The resulting domain model and knowledge are the first step in fulfilling your role as the bridge between the problem space and the solution space.
A user profile consists of personal details about the user, knowledge of the user on domain concepts, user goals, and any other information that is required by the application.
Be prepared with knowledge and questions that help expose the problem domain.
Automated translation also demands external, or predefined, knowledge about the domain and platform, which is kept outside the model.
You can sometimes predict complexity based on speculative knowledge of the problem domain, but writing code creates new constraints and opportunities that are virtually impossible to predict.
But the magic is only a more thorough knowledge of the domain than the competent person has.
Another example of adaptive navigation is customizing the links displayed on the page such that domain experts would access them in a different order than a user with limited domain knowledge.
Probably not, because understanding such a list would likely require domain knowledge that you can acquire only through extensive experience.
Some component teams are needed to build and maintain certain core services that affect a wide range of products or/and require specific domain knowledge or expertise.
The portal administrator assembles the content of the task pages based on his domain knowledge.
The following sections discuss the basic concepts of the topology model, along with specifics about how to apply a domain knowledge to the types in the model.
The communities are producing and consuming assets, which is where the domain knowledge for this resides.
The cognitive layer houses the engines that host and process the business rules, representing the business domain knowledge.
Adaptive user interfaces would bring great value to the health care domain, as the knowledge of IT in health care is sometimes low.
Identification of common services is still significantly dependent on domain knowledge and modeling skill.
We have extremely talented engineers and business people with years of domain knowledge.
As a result, application development is brought closer to the end user, which yields application designs that build more upon domain expert knowledge.
VCs might get criticized for their lack of domain knowledge, but they have great general business knowledge, and a VC's BlackBerry can be a distribution channel in itself.
Our idealized goal is that developers working in our SOA environment should need only business domain knowledge and basic programming language skills.
(you won't have access to this.) Apart from the business domain knowledge, you can create stubs and simulators by analyzing the system context of the application being developed (see Figure 2).
The domain architects have contextual knowledge of the business domain they are involved in.
Harvests the business users' functional requirements and provides domain knowledge to the team.
Pair programming naturally involves being open with colleagues, sharing domain knowledge, and being prepared to explain your approach.
A domain model demonstrates the architect's knowledge of the problem domain, including the participants, processes, and policies that govern their activities.
A domain model demonstrates the architect's knowledge of the problem domain, including the participants, processes, and policies that govern their activities.