The model and method of simulating decision-making using knowledge-based expert system for load forecast are presented. The improved fuzzy AHP is used.
This work investigates strategies for building an Expert Database System (EDS) based on RDBMS, assert that a RDBMS can perform knowledge-based reasoning in addition to its other tasks.
Wheat expert system of fertilization decision-making is based on knowledge and experience of wheat experts and can help farmers to solving above problems.
Teaching knowledge of expert system can be shown by the neural rules, which comes into being based on calculated symbols of neural system, one of the mixed systems.
An Object Orient technique based development method of Expert System was brought forward, and given its optimized reasoning mechanism and Object Orient based knowledge process model.
Expert system of metal weldability estimate based on knowledge base is put forward according to analysis of metal weldability characteristic.
The knowledge representation method of blackboard framework has been applied to the Blackboard Framework Based Expert System Tool (BFBEST) and the results are satisfactory.
A sand control technology decision expert system based on expert knowledge and field experience is developed. It has functions of sand prediction, selecting solution, and optimizing parameters.
A vibration diagnosis and consultation expert system for hydroelectric generating set based on knowledge base and the technique of the expert system is proposed.
So it is significant to design and develop an expert system for part flaws diagnosis and process variables optimization of injection molding based on knowledge and experience.
An expert system for automatic generating operation sequences of substation is introduced, which is based on generative knowledge presentation method.
A knowledge representation language is designed and implemented based on the formalized definition of object and the specification of our expert system developing tool.
The paper proposes computer Go system structure based on expert system design whose core parts are knowledge base and inference machine.
The system provides valid medical decision making support based on expert knowledge.
The article introduction the distinguishes the expert system that can standard PSC rank based on the Rough Sets, the knowledge expression and the inference method.
It provides the reference model for constructing a large-scale distributed expert system based on ontology knowledge library in grid environment.
Expert system of boilers four-tube crack prediction based on knowledge base in posed according to analysis of characteristic of four-tube crack.
On the basis of an analysis of the difference between Expert system for design and Knowledge-based Engineering (KBE), the importance of applying KBE to the field of die-design is proposed.
Expert system of transformer fault diagnosis based on knowledge base is posed and general structure of system and object-oriented model are discussed in the paper.
Aimed at three-dimensional footprint characteristic, the uniform coordinate system which is based on the footprint trace expert knowledge has been established for footprint image.
Based on the analysis of raw mix slurry in production of alumina with sintering and the long-period knowledge of expert experience, a knowledge base edition and maintenance system is designed.
The main characteristic of intelligent simulation training system (ISTS) and simulation system based on knowledge is that the simulation system incorporates suitably with an expert system.
At the same time, the system USES General knowledge reasoning model and Object-Oriented based knowledge part warehouse Expert system structure.
It is proved by application that the expert system of weld crack diagnosis based on knowledge base can achieve the same diagnostic result as the expert.
Based on the traditional expert system, the integrated module of neural network ensembles is applied in this model in order to insure the automatic acquisition of knowledge and reasoning.
An expert system of radar radiation-source recognizing based on knowledge library is proposed upon the analysis of the characteristics of radar radiating-source recognizing.
MODES (Machining Operation Diagnosis Expert System) is a knowledge-based machining fault diagnosis system.
Based on the feature of the expert system that the knowledge base and the inference engine are separate the shell function and the program function of the skeleton tool is researched.
Based on the feature of the expert system that the knowledge base and the inference engine are separate the shell function and the program function of the skeleton tool is researched.