Everybody has a language system, an individual "bank of active language knowledge", which contains a variety of types of writing.
Philosophy is no longer knowledge system which produces propositions, but thinking activities to interpret propositions and clarify the logic of language.
This paper deals with a general-purpose knowledge engineering language ACLIPS, its key facilities and features. The design and implementation of blackboard system in ACLIPS described in detail.
Language reflects the objective world indirectly through the medium of cognition, and is a code system of knowledge.
More researches into the inheritance system facilitates searching information more effectively, enriching computer language and enlarging knowledge description of artificial intelligence.
A knowledge representation language is designed and implemented based on the formalized definition of object and the specification of our expert system developing tool.
Traditional speech recognition system has an intrinsic defect that, commonly only use the acoustic model of speech and unable to use non-acoustic knowledge of language to recognize speech.
The paper presents a full account of how-net, viz. a knowledge system for natural language processing. How-net has been recently released in the Internet.
Mathematical class culture is consisted of the mathematical value system, thinking methods, knowledge and experience, and language and sign.
Expert system, carried out in PROLOG LANGUAGE, mainly introduces the gain of knowledge and the structure.
They transform from either adjustment system of language or study system so that business enterprise knowledge changes from the individual knowledge, team knowledge and organization knowledge.
The scale and quality of the knowledge-base decides the success or failure of the natural language processing system.
The Chinese semantic knowledge base system is a very important part of language knowledge engineering of Chinese semantic resource in natural language processing.
The paper introduced the process of adopting ASP(Active Server Pages)language to design the knowledge testing system and the main functions of the knowledge testing system.
General purpose rule-based expert system development environment-RESDE is composed of general purpose knowledge engineering language and debugging, testing, tracing tools.
Secondly, from the content of Chinese language and teaching aim, the speech teaching knowledge system can be constructed;
More researches into the inheritance system facilitates searching information more effectively, enriching computer language and enlarging knowledge description of artificial intelligence.
More researches into the inheritance system facilitates searching information more effectively, enriching computer language and enlarging knowledge description of artificial intelligence.