But this approach presupposed the distinction between observation sentences and non-observation sentences in a language, and observation sentences are evidence for knowledge of external world.
According to Davidson, however, any theory assuming this distinction fails to block the challenge from scepticism about knowledge of external world.
Knowledge is the cognition and experience of the external world. It is accumulated by a long life of people and the social practice, also by scientific researches and experiment.
This article is going to discuss the problem of certainty from two aspects:1, the certainty of external world; 2, the certainty of knowledge.
I came to center my attention increasingly upon external objects: the state of the world, various 12 branches of knowledge, individuals for whom I felt affection.
Search within is the quest of Vedanta as against the Modern age where Science is exploring the external world of matter reaching out to new frontiers of external knowledge.
Search within is the quest of Vedanta as against the Modern age where Science is exploring the external world of matter reaching out to new frontiers of external knowledge.