Alpha geek refers to the most technically adept, knowledgeable person in a workgroup or office.
Our parents work hard to support us so as to make us a knowledgeable person! We should not let them down!
Remember, in the beginning you're just looking for a knowledgeable person to share some industry-related conversation with.
Revised: My father was then regarded by the village as the most knowledgeable person because he had received higher education.
Knowledgeable person is a professional information technology services company focused on software development, systems integration.
Do not sign any agreement or lease until you have studied it carefully or asked a lawyer or some other knowledgeable person to read it.
Even a knowledgeable person ACTS according to his own nature; all living entities are controlled by their own natures, what can repression accomplish?
The facilitator can be from either inside or outside the team, as long as he or she is a knowledgeable person whose professional skills are known and respected.
If Zimplit were put in the hands of a creative, slightly knowledgeable person with a little more time than I had, he or she could create a sweet little masterpiece.
The software giant, which is trying to build up its Bing search engine in China, has hired a designer from [gm99nd] who is scheduled to start soon, says the knowledgeable person.
这位知情人士说,这家正努力在中国建立“必应”(Bing)搜索引擎的软件巨头已经聘用了[gm 66nd]的一位设计师,按计划,这位设计师将很快开始在微软工作。
In the process of listening and retaining all of that information, the supervisor became possibly the most knowledgeable person in resolving complex banking systems issues at the company.
Knowledgeable person to coffee, grab a handful of mostly coffee, watching the color of each bean are the same stars, particle size, shape is similar, so as not to get mixed beans to disguise inferior.
It may seem on the human level that one person is more knowledgeable, evolved or wise than another person.
That does not make me a better person than you.It does, however, make me smarter, more knowledgeable, more curious and more ambitious.
If this person doesn't take action, nothing really changed besides them becoming more knowledgeable.
That does not make me a better person than you. It does, however, make me smarter, more knowledgeable, more curious and more ambitious.
The person who fills the process engineer role should be knowledgeable and willing regarding the use of modern, agile project management practices.
It's true that if you study something long enough, you'll be more knowledgeable than the average person.
My teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us knowledge but also how to be a person and how to get on with others.
Yang Yinliu was not only a profound, experienced, knowledgeable and summa cum laudable scholar, but also a person who carried on the past and opened a way for future and had deep influence on music.
Thinking you're the most knowledgeable and efficient person to handle every single task is one of the most poisonous mindsets you can have.
When they encounter difficulties, they will discover in this high credibility, knowledgeable and respected person.
No matter how knowledgeable a person is, the most important things are to remember one's roots and look after one's character.
And hopefully, you will have a knowledgeable sales person by your side to answer all your questions.
The destination in my life is to be a knowledgeable and affluent person.
The destination in my life is to be a knowledgeable and affluent person.