When starting a new batch of Kombucha, it is important to get some Kombucha tea as well as the starter.
I personally have had conversations with individuals who credit Kombucha tea for arresting their cancers.
One of Google's current chefs is Josef Desimone, who is admired chiefly for the kombucha tea that he ferments from scratch and that gets the employees' creative juices flowing.
Personally, I would have to say that if kombucha tea had been available to me when my children were young, I would not have hesitated to give it to them, at any age, even when they were babies.
The wider availability of commercially prepared kombucha makes drinking the tea a bit safer.
NEW YORK (Kyodo) Ask most Japanese what "kombucha" is, and they say it is a mild, brownish kelp-based tea.
The black and green tea in kombucha also offers some beneficial antioxidants and polyphenols — although you could get the same with a simple tea bag.
In the reports of oldest and modern times, a large number of diseases are quoted, for which Kombucha-tea is used and praised.
In the reports of oldest and modern times, a large number of diseases are quoted, for which Kombucha-tea is used and praised.