The sample provided with this article displays Key Performance Indicator (KPI) historical data in a Flex widget deployed in Business Space.
本文提供的示例将在部署在BusinessSpace 中的Flex小部件中显示关键性能指标(Key Performance Indicator,KPI)历史数据。
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) views have an additional KPI cache built directly into the Dashboard application server.
Note: For the purposes of this article, consider the terms: "analytics, " "data, " "KPI" (Key Performance Indicator), and "metrics" to be synonymous.
This text briefly discusses the design thought of the key performance indicator (KPI) and puts forward the solving thinking and way aimed at the current problems.
The Application of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in Performance Management of the company.
Key performance Indicator (KPI), a tool to divide business strategic goal into the exercisable target, is the basis of the business performance management.
Key performance Indicator (KPI), a tool to divide business strategic goal into the exercisable target, is the basis of the business performance management.