Kwashiorkor survivors did not overeat in this way.
Kwashiorkor survivors did not overeat in this way.
Symptoms normally manifest themselves in one of two ways, known as marasmus and kwashiorkor.
Symptoms normally manifest themselves in one of two ways, known as marasmus and kwashiorkor.
Before being measured, the child should be checked for edema, the swelling associated with kwashiorkor.
They found that those who had survived marasmus ate differently from those who had survived kwashiorkor.
It has been suggested that excessive free radical activity may be responsible for the clinical manifestation of kwashiorkor.
There is a need for further research in this area to be certain if antioxidant supplementation can help prevent kwashiorkor in young children.
To evaluate the benefits of supplementation of vitamin e, selenium, cysteine and riboflavin (alone or in combination) in preventing kwashiorkor.
One significant difference between the two syndromes is that children with marasmus are twice as likely to survive malnutrition as those with kwashiorkor.
No statistically significant difference in the incidence of kwashiorkor between the intervention and control groups could be demonstrated at 20 weeks (RR 1.70;
经过20周后,介入组及控制组发生瓜西奥科儿症的机率没有统计差异(RR 1.70;
Children with marasmus are simply emaciated. The abdomens of those with kwashiorkor, however, distend in a way that is distressingly familiar from televised appeals for famine relief.
Based on the one available trial, we could draw no firm conclusion for the effectiveness of supplementary antioxidant micronutrients for the prevention of kwashiorkor in pre-school children.
A relief organization advertises that for $33 a month they can give hospital care to a child suffering from kwashiorkor - the severe deficiency disease which is simply a starving for protein.
A relief organization advertises that for $33 a month they can give hospital care to a child suffering from kwashiorkor - the severe deficiency disease which is simply a starving for protein.