He is hired by Dr. Stoner as a lab assistant for his research and experiments on snakes.
In the end there was no castle, no thunderstorm and definitely no hunchbacked cackling lab assistant.
My college days included a long stint as a lab assistant in a course on the theory of measurement.
The method that using n-hexane as an extractant had a little injure to lab assistant, as compared with CCl_4 used by GB/T16488-1996 method.
The dice players were told to roll two ten-sided dice (one for “tens” and one for “units”) in the privacy of an isolated cubicle, and report the results to a lab assistant.
NOTE: Before beginning your dissection, ensure that you have all of the materials listed above. If you do not, immediately notify a lab assistant by raising your hand.
Of the four rolls of film Capa took of the horrific D-Day battle, all but 11 exposures were ruined by an overeager lab assistant, who melted the film in his rush to develop it.
Pranav Mistry is a PhD student and research assistant at MIT Media Lab.
He's a research assistant in the particle physics lab, but he also minored in theater at MIT.
"Trish Dunne," she replied. "I'm Katherine's assistant." She asked me to escort you back to her lab.
My assistant is a real Johnny-on-the-spot. He's always there when I need his help in the lab.
So they set up a painstaking experiment, in which Luisa DE Vivo, an assistant scientist working in their lab, collected 6,920 synapses from mice, both awake and sleeping.
My assistant is a real Johnny-on-the-spot. He's always there when I need his help in the lab.
The NanoBio Systems lab of SUSTC is looking for a talented research assistant from BioMEMS, microfabrication, or microfluidics related fields.
The NanoBio Systems lab of SUSTC is looking for a talented research assistant from BioMEMS, microfabrication, or microfluidics related fields.