One lab study compared the performance of mba students with that of computerized profit maximizing pricing strategies.
A lot of lab study and test have been done to the problems of bad reliability and short life-span for traditional slip-type down hole chock.
In a lab study, metals leached out from cement-mortar linings at levels that impel water suppliers to be selective when choosing cement for lining pipes.
Lab study has proved that selective activation of authigenous microorganism oil production bacteria in the formation in Daqing Oilfield can effectively enhance oil recovery.
Although lab study and field test have been conducted for over 20 years in some developed oil-producing countries, its mechanism and industrial application are still focal p...
Therefore applied cognitive psychology Bridges the gap between traditional lab study and reality of life, making cognitive study more representative of and more general to realistic life.
Over two decades 137 sets of twins eventually visited Thomas Bouchard's lab in what became known as the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart.
According to a new study from Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab, small non-food rewards—like the toys in McDonald's Happy Meals—stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does.
If everything looks promising, then it will justify trying to build a sleep lab and study sleep across cultures that way.
In 2007, my lab at Clemson University published a study in the Journal of Applied Microbiology.
Birgitte Vittrup carried out a scientific study at The Children's Research Lab at the University of Texas.
A study from Beilock's lab found that students who spent 10 minutes before a math test writing about their concerns did 15 percent better than those who had not.
He delved further into lung development, spending his study leave in 1971 in a lab in the old Radcliffe observatory in Oxford.
A study conducted in the lab, which also used Italian food, found that people who used big forks actually consumed more.
To prove that, they would need to grow the cells in the lab for a longer period of time and study their ability to develop into other cell types — a process now underway in their lab.
In the lab, participants were told they were taking part in a study and did not have that same motivation.
Our lab has studied some effects of radiation on DNA, such as UV exposure, but nothing on Earth compares to the environments we hope to study outside of the Earth's atmosphere.
In one study researchers simulated rejection in the lab and found that aspirin alleviates the painful feelings triggered by being rebuffed.
To study the brain waves of a good night's sleep, scientists invited volunteers to snooze in the lab.
A previous study showed that the fish can, in fact, "count" -differentiating between numerical quantities in a lab experiment.
The study was conducted in England and took place in a sleep lab where brain activity was monitored and recorded sounds were played.
Although pigeons have shown remarkable feats of perception when given training in the lab, the new study is the first research showing similar abilities in untrained feral pigeons.
Fortunately, new lab facilities dedicated to the study of clouds will soon wrest that field from poets, the geophysicists argue.
In a recent study he provided evidence that the virus accidentally originated during mouse lab experiments.
In the second study, Briers actually let the participants eat as usual, but with some she triggered their appetites by wafting the scent of baked brownies into the lab.
A landmark peer-reviewed study has found that in the lab MRSA does not develop resistance to the drug, as it does to antibiotics.
这是一个被业内认可的具有里程碑性质的研究发现,在实验室里,MRSA没法对这种称作XF - 73的药物产生像对其他抗生素一样的抗药性。
That visualization exercise, found a new lab-based study, could help you eat less of the foods you really want to avoid.
The key difference in this study was the presence of a single gene from the H3N2 human virus: the PB2 protein, which gave the hybrid viruses the ability to spread easily among the lab mice.
Because we can't yet take measurements from real black holes, we need a way to recreate this phenomenon in the lab in order to study it, to validate it.
Because we can't yet take measurements from real black holes, we need a way to recreate this phenomenon in the lab in order to study it, to validate it.