A laboratory assistant helps to maintain scientific equipment, keep a check on the supplies in the store, and prepare the chemicals for experiments.
In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.
Since they were busy writing volumes for the M.I.T. Radiation Laboratory series on microwave techniques, I was accepted as a graduate assistant to develop the early NMR apparatus8.
You are a famous scientist, and you are working in a laboratory with your assistant Joe.
Charged dusts exist widely in space plasma, laboratory fusion devices and plasma assistant processing equipment.
The polyacrylamide flocculation experiments were carried out in laboratory by using synthesized flocculants and assistant flocculants.
Since they were busy writing volumes for the M. I. T. Radiation Laboratory series on microwave techniques, I was accepted as a graduate assistant to develop the early NMR apparatus8.
Since they were busy writing volumes for the M. I. T. Radiation Laboratory series on microwave techniques, I was accepted as a graduate assistant to develop the early NMR apparatus8.