That lack of curiosity produces a relative lack of knowledge, and the lack of knowledge is difficult if not impossible to compensate for later on.
To address this lack of knowledge in the test team, tools such as penetration testing and fuzzing are becoming popular.
But a lack of knowledge about animals' habits and needs may lead to some wrongs.
He knew that his apprehension was in part due to his lack of knowledge of Six Sigma.
It's amazing how many opportunities we deny ourselves due to lack of knowledge or experience.
It takes a lot of trust in a relationship to be able to handle that kind of lack of knowledge.
There are others that are rebels who would seek to gain from your slumbers and lack of knowledge.
The barrier to building a better city is not lack of knowledge, but refusal to apply that knowledge.
Your colleagues will respect you for having the guts to admit your lack of knowledge about something.
Also, there is a widespread lack of knowledge among local health workers about how to use antivenoms.
These descriptions reflect a lack of knowledge of language in general and sign language in particular.
Without humility there can only be the excuse, that is, the lack of humility is the lack of knowledge.
Sometimes we are simply held back from helping others through lack of knowledge or even fear of stepping up.
Is it due to a lack of knowledge on how to approach BPM in the cloud or the uncertainty and fear of the unknown?
This is embodied in the lack of knowledge of objective things and the paranoia in subjective perception of things.
In that period, the neural network community suffered from lack of knowledge on the competing classification procedures.
He cited a lack of knowledge on both sides, as well as cultural differences and, on top of everything, the language barrier.
Thus, I may not be a source of good advice about getting into this business, but when has the lack of knowledge stopped a blogger?
One obstacle to healthy eating at fast food restaurants is the lack of knowledge of the nutritional content of your favorite items.
There exists a lack of knowledge regarding the quantity and quality of scientific yield in relation to individual cancer types.
Parent's lack of knowledge, crowded living conditions and availability of chemicals in and around houses account for most ingestions.
Unfortunately, our lack of knowledge about DB2 meant some training and ramp-up would be required during the prototyping activities.
不幸的是,我们缺乏DB2 的技能,这就意味着一些培训在原型活动期间被需要。
Denial of illness, or anosognosia, literally lack of knowledge of disease, is a common sequel of the type of brain injury received by Wilson.
This, alongside a lack of knowledge about what a bra fitting actually entails, was the reason why 85% of women were wearing the wrong bra size.
A spokesman for the Department of Health said large-scale use was justified given the lack of knowledge about the virus and its apparent threat.
It will exploit weaknesses and failures in hygiene practices, be they down to lack of knowledge, to sloppiness, or even downright indifference to the risk.
The model represents our lack of knowledge about why real, or apparent, treatment effects differ by considering the differences as if they were random.
The model represents our lack of knowledge about why real, or apparent, treatment effects differ by considering the differences as if they were random.