Today, I went to see a movie with the girl I 've liked for months. After the commercials, she told me she had to go to the ladies room.
Sooooo, a redhead of questionable looks walks into the ladies room, stands before the mirror and says, "I think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world."
Elizabeth did not quit her room for a moment, nor were the other ladies often absent; the gentlemen being out, they had in fact nothing to do elsewhere.
I frequently met the widowed lady at different social gatherings, and when after dinner we joined the ladies in the drawing room, she would ask me to sing that Behaga.
It was almost adding injury to the insult when he scanned the room and added, "if the ladies will pardon the expression".
One evening, as usual, the lad turned off the lamps in the ladies' room and men's room.
I hailed a cab and ran into the ladies' room of the Starbucks on his corner, slipping off my thong under my skirt and stuffing it in my purse.
It's a Thursday afternoon at the Seville Beach Hotel in Miami Beach, and about a dozen tourists have gathered to watch the Most Beautiful Women in the World emerge from the ladies' room.
At the same moment, two ladies entered the room. Both were splendidly dressed, but one especially so.
A distant bell tinkled: immediately three ladies entered the room, each walked to a table and took her seat.
Today is the International Women's day. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my best festive greetings to all the ladies in this room, including those behind the cameras.
The station also doubled as part of the school: The Railway shop became the Prefect's room ; the ladies toilets were the Hogwarts Staff Room !
Bennet was glad to take his guest into the drawing-room again, and when tea was over, glad to invite him to read aloud to the ladies.
In a comfortable, pleasant sitting-room, the two ladies of the house waited anxiously for the doctor and the police to arrive.
When he walks in the room, all the ladies they swoon, Ancelotti!
Elizabeth did not quit her room for a moment, nor were the other ladies often absent;
伊丽莎白片刻也没有离开她的房间,另外两位小姐也不大 走开;
But now, he entered the room without even looking at me, and took a seat with ladies.
And that night in the ladies' room of the Rustler Steak House, he chose me.
Yes, I saw her. The dining-room doors were thrown open; and, as it was Christmas-time, the servants were allowed to assemble in the hall, to hear some of the ladies sing and play.
Some possible ideas are to teach Closed Change Steps with the Men and Ladies all moving forward down the room, then all moving back.
When the dance ended I excused myself to the ladies' room and during my absence everything changed.
Ross, why don't you tell Benji about your proposal while I go to the ladies' room.
Ross, why don't you tell Benji about your proposal while I go to the ladies' room.