But they have tended to lag behind in terms of their profitability.
Other research by MSCI shows that companies where the roles are combined tend to lag behind in the long term.
Peasant household economy rational origin of poor efficiency lie in and lag behind into changes restraint of system.
For example, don't lag behind in technology, quality or customer service approaches that are crucial to you and your company's success.
For example, don't lag behind in technology, quality or customer service approaches that are crucial to you and your company's success.
Blue stragglers are so named because they seemingly lag behind in the aging process, appearing younger than the population from which they formed.
By installing computers in their schools and libraries, the community leaders demonstrated that they were determined not to lag behind in technology.
The number of times you drop down seems to happen more in this model because server side toolkits usually lag behind in adopting new richer components.
Applications frequently lag behind in their interfaces for control, restricting their functionality to keyboard and mouse events through a lack of APIs.
Meanwhile, sports TV relay development of market at starting stage still, TV tournament and sports TV brand make, have relative to lag behind in sports.
This article analyses the characteristics of the students who lag behind in abstract thought and puts forward some measures and means to culture their ability.
She said girls outperforming boys in communication and creativity was of particular concern and boys should be encouraged to develop these skills so they did not lag behind in school or later life.
Only in Germany and Switzerland do girls lag behind.
If we lag behind other nations in economy, we will be thrown into a passive position.
While recent advancements in optimizations for dynamic languages are promising, they lag behind the state of the art for static languages.
When you create or run reports, it's important to remember that the information in the data mart may lag behind the data in the repository.
In recent years, it has become commonplace that pay raises for workers lag behind profit increase in enterprises. Obviously, the enterprise wealth tilts towards the capital.
While some countries are growing, many lag behind-mired in insecurity, constrained by poor governance, or overly dependent upon commodity prices.
Because despite the enormous progress achieved in social indicators, women and girls still lag behind economically.
Though many people may think women still lag behind men, women are now not only expected to work, but can also be ambitious in their career choices.
While women can find the kind of household help not found in the West, thus easing work/life issues, general attitudes and pay often lag behind.
Losses on commercial property tend to lag behind rises in the unemployment rate by a year or so, largely because lease terms protect landlords from immediate falls in rental income.
The familial enterprise is a kind of backward enterprise form in people's opinion. It shows as lag behind, traditional, thought seal management.
The familial enterprise is a kind of backward enterprise form in people's opinion. It shows as lag behind, traditional, thought seal management.