If the gateway is locally available, there are performance advantages to using this scenario, as there is minimal overhead and network lag in loading native DB2 libraries.
Thin clients, VNC connections, and virtualized clients will work in theory, but the various layers of processing and network lag may cause unexpected behavior.
Good network design and smart database construction can alleviate lag time and slow queries, and you can turn to your friendly neighborhood specialist for assistance, if necessary.
Considered the lag of the fault detection, the design introduces a specific compound network architecture that makes the software convenient for maintainability and extension.
The data replication not only reduces network lag and bandwidth consumption when accessing long-range data, but also improves load balance of network, security and reliability of data.
The method of how to do the lag compensation by means of linking up the network model is presented in this paper, and the weight coefficient algorithm of the model may be provided in this process.
Applying neural network to predict structural response may solve the problem of time lag in active control and offer basis for controlling decision.
The paper considers that the problem of network marketing credit lack is caused by historical reason, system lag, low punishment strength, moral lack and so on;
Closed-loop control system to adapt to changes in water, adjust online implementation, and ensure the end of pipe network constant stress, there is no artificially adjust the lag phenomenon.
Closed-loop control system to adapt to changes in water, adjust online implementation, and ensure the end of pipe network constant stress, there is no artificially adjust the lag phenomenon.