A dark stream of dust meanders through the brightly glowing gas of the Lagoon Nebula, about 5,000 light-years from Earth.
Like brush strokes on a canvas, ridges of color seem to flow across the Lagoon Nebula, a canvas nearly 3 light-years wide.
A dark stream of dust meanders through the brightly glowing gas of the Lagoon Nebula, about 5, 000 light-years from Earth.
The far more powerful 2.2-meter telescope at La Silla Observatory in Chile focuses on the Lagoon Nebula, 100 light-years across.
In the Lagoon Nebula, for example, infrared pictures have revealed a boom of star birth in the past five years, indicating that the region is still growing its collection of stars.
Starting on the left, look for the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae, the Cat's Paw, the Pipe dark nebula, and the colorful clouds of Rho Ophiuchi and Antares (right).
Starting on the left, look for the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae, the Cat's Paw, the Pipe dark nebula, and the colorful clouds of Rho Ophiuchi and Antares (right).