It pays laid off workers up to half of their previous wages while they look for work.
Have your diaper bag packed, your work stuff ready, and clothes for both of you laid out in advance.
It pays laid-off workers up to half of their previous wages while they look for work.
Communication is crucial for successful remote work, so make sure that you and your candidate have laid the groundwork for a good relationship early on.
Workers in that age group are less likely to be laid off, but those who do lose their jobs tend to be out of work far longer than younger workers.
During Bush's tenure, she struggled to find comparable work as a paralegal after she was laid off in 2002, and she's been dismayed by the costs of the Iraq war.
Timelines are laid out, work is divided, and paths are drawn out to drive the project towards the desired outcomes.
The work is repetitive, and the workers are regarded as a variable cost to be taken on or laid off as demand dictates.
More than two years of gruelling technical work laid the ground for the wartime conference of officials and finance ministers.
All the work you have done up to this point has laid the foundation for your project proposal. At a minimum, a data warehouse project proposal should include the following information.
Merz's manifesto laid out a series of basic rules for people to work together, but they were too generic (things like "everyone has a voice" and "what's on the Web site is fact").
梅尔兹的宣言为了使参与人员协同工作设置了一系列的基本准则,但是这些准则太过于宽泛了(像”任何人都有发言权 “以及”网站上的信息都务必正确“)。
Kant claimed in his work to have discovered and laid out universal principles of thought applicable to the whole of mankind and for all time.
But he was laid off two months ago, and it has been impossible to find work since.
NEW YORK (CNN) — IBM employees being laid off in North America now have an alternative to joining the growing ranks of the unemployed - work for the company abroad.
纽约(美国有线电视新闻网)- - -IBM在北美地区下岗的雇员现在有机会选择:要么加入不断增长的失业大军中;要么到公司的海外工作。
The new stadiums heralded a construction boom, but many of the workers who built them have already been laid off and are without work.
Last year 27 newsroom employees were laid off and only two have since found full-time work.
The Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates that workers recently laid off have a 30% chance of finding work in a given month.
One future work item of the purchase order application is to follow exactly the rules laid out in this profile.
Sometimes even our best laid plans don't work out the way we'd hoped.
That may, in part, be a reflection of American bosses' ruthless cuts in full-time jobs, forcing those laid off to scramble for whatever work they can find.
The two most memorable barricades which the observer of social maladies can name do not belong to the period in which the action of this work is laid.
Mostly these tools work by organizing files along the lines I've laid out in this article.
Laid-off college graduates are also finding work faster.
It's important to assure the management that you harbor no bad feelings about being laid off and are eager to return to work.
Let there more work be laid upon the men, that they may Labour therein; and let them not regard vain words.
Also, a number of women who have been at home, or working part-time, are returning to work when husbands or partners get laid off.
Also, a number of women who have been at home, or working part-time, are returning to work when husbands or partners get laid off.