Debates over the accuracy of the counts will not be laid to rest.
Barbaro could be laid to rest at Churchill Downs, scene of his greatest triumph.
Seven of the eight people killed in a Brunswick, Georgia mobile home have been laid to rest.
Peugeot's reputation for building pre tty but flimsy cars is virtually laid to rest with the 307.
When Engels died in 1895, he eschewed London's Highgate cemetery where his friend was laid to rest.
It appears the England's king Richard the third was laid to rest in a manner that was anything but regal.
Many people say that marriage is the tomb of love, but love can be laid to rest is better than storm the streets.
"The warning goes for as long as investigations are underway and suspicions have not been laid to rest," he added.
I have laid to rest, with tears and sights, some of my close relatives-relatives victimized by old feudal ethics.
The Bradley effect will have proved ineffectual, and the unquiet ghost of Tom Bradley will finally be laid to rest.
He might have added that it is only when the past has been acknowledged and accepted that it can finally be laid to rest.
After the de-fleshing process, the corpses had been neatly laid to rest on wide wooden shelves, the researchers speculate.
The youngest victims were two boys, aged 14, who were laid to rest alongside thousands of bodies already in the graveyard.
Her bones shall be laid to rest in the Temple of the Graces, and a hundred candles shall burn day and night in her memory.
It said it hoped that fears about graded exercise and CBT were laid to rest, and that the study needed to be repeated in children.
The point here is that once fears are laid to rest and pain relieved, many people change their wish to have euthanasia administered.
So many things are dying at the moment - an entire free-spending epoch is being laid to rest - that I wondered which particular burial she had in mind.
眼下濒临死亡的东西如此之多- - -整个挥霍无度的时代都正在告逝- - -所以我想知道她说的具体是哪个葬礼。
Recent work conducted largely by physicists in interdisciplinary academic settings shows that this fallacy—though rooted in theory—can be laid to rest.
Many Chinese engineers and construction workers gave their precious lives for the development of Arab countries and were laid to rest in the Arab land.
First, in the rich world hopes of a v-shaped recovery will be laid to rest; the excesses of the past seven years will take more than a few good months to fix.
Recent operations in Afghanistan and elsewhere, however, suggest that we are moving toward post-Jominian warfare-when each of these ideas will be laid to rest.
The royal family has many links to the abbey—it was where William's grandmother was both married and crowned Queen, and where his mother was laid to rest in 1997.
Fettered by the traditional concept of so-called "being laid to rest", people have taken a doubtful, even a negative attitude towards body donation for a long time.
They and the cheese were laid to rest onsand dunes near a river under large wooden boats wrapped so tightly in cow-hidethat the bodies were essentially vacuum-packed.
这些木乃伊和奶酪被放置在靠近一处河流的沙区上,被安放在大型的木船下,用牛皮紧紧包裹着,所以基本上尸体是真空包装的。 。
As one economist argued in 1993, "More than 40 years of research... should at last have laid to rest the thought that such folk may not know where their real interests lie."
But he eschewed the royal cemetery at El Kurru, where all previous Kushite pharaohs had been laid to rest. Instead, he chose a site at Nuri, on the opposite bank of the Nile.
Accordingly, when an Honour Guard is slain, his companions fight all the harder in order that his mortal shell can be recovered and laid to rest in the Chapter's Vault of Heroes.
We have sent a large number of medical teams to Africa. They have helped treat African patients and some of them have lost their lives and been laid to rest on this ancient continent.
We have sent a large number of medical teams to Africa. They have helped treat African patients and some of them have lost their lives and been laid to rest on this ancient continent.