The serpentine lakeshore is 128km long.
Snow swirled and waves crashed along the lakeshore in Chicago.
As we rounded the lakeshore we encountered a lone buffalo returning from drinking.
The area is known for its scenic lakeshore, swathes of forest and agricultural fields.
The lakeshore gardens were pleasant though Mount Fuji's peak was obscured by thick clouds.
The denitrification is an important channel to attenuate nitrate in lakeshore buffer zones.
The main water factors of fishpond water in lakeshore and the impact of fish yield were analyzed.
OOPEAA designed the Periscope Tower as part of a larger project to improve facilities on the lakeshore.
Once the marchers hit the lakeshore hundreds of people began running up the ramp to the westbound Gardiner.
The region boasts hundreds of miles of beaches and lakeshore, some of the country's oldestforests and waterfalls.
The region boasts hundreds of miles of beaches and lakeshore, some of the country's oldest forests and waterfalls.
Thee region boasts hundreds of miles of beaches and lakeshore, some of the country's oldest forests and waterfalls.
The location of the works carried out almost covered all the region of the lakeshore that we could be freely to reach.
This gap that is filled with gravel-stones collected from the lakeshore is also creating nests for the soft LED-lighting.
This gap that is filled with gravel-stones collected from the lakeshore is also creating nests for the soft LED-lighting.
Long-deceased trees cling stubbornly to the steep flanks of Grand Sable Dunes in Michigan's Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.
It starts on the Toronto lakeshore and winds its way northwesterly along Highway 11 to Rainy River, Ontario, at the Minnesota border.
Shortly after the call to prayer sounds from the lakeshore shrine, farmers and traders cast off on narrow skiffs to truck, barter and exchange.
There are nearly 20 km2 of forest belt and marsh on the lakeshore which have formed a considerable marsh habitat of migratory bird about 7.22 km2.
The lake is now about one-third of its former size, wafting a lingering odour from the pollution and ubiquitous rubbish strewn along the narrowing lakeshore.
By superimposition of the practical sampling points, satellite remote-sensing images and DEM data, the relic sites of lakeshore and terrace were determined.
The early to middle Jurassic coal-bearing deposition is mainly consisted of fluvial or lakeshore, estuarine delta facies, lacustrine facies and slough facies.
Multi-level lakeshore piled terraces or base terrace, lake sediments and high level paleo-lacustrine sediments distribute in the Lake Zhaling and Lake Eling valley basin.
Across the lake, a sliver of brilliant red crests the top of the shadowed forest. It silhouettes our mother on the lakeshore, the first light catching the soft red of her hair.
在湖的对面, 昏暗的树梢点缀着一片灿烂的红色,映出湖边母亲的剪影,凌晨的第一缕阳光点染了她那一头柔红色的头发。
The seepage velocity through lakeshore and lake bottom interfaces under different lakeshore inclinations were discussed by experiments in soil tank and model simulations using MODFLOW.
You who have come here from some distant world, to this dry lakeshore and this cairn, and to this cylinder of brass, in which on the last day of all our recorded days I place our final words.
As a devoted Court charged plume Bridge is a natural delta, according to the terrain there is a fan-shaped construction of the promenade, and near Lakeshore, named "Dying Lake galleries."
As a devoted Court charged plume Bridge is a natural delta, according to the terrain there is a fan-shaped construction of the promenade, and near Lakeshore, named "Dying Lake galleries."