Organising in California for other tribes had taught her how to type, draw up grant applications and analyse land treaties; she brought in revenue and social programmes.
It would grant title to all landholdings up to 1, 500 hectares (3, 700 acres) occupied before 2005 in the Amazon, comprising an area the size of France, and ban further land claims.
Organising in California for other tribes had taught her how to type, draw up grant applications and analyse land treaties;she brought in revenue and social programmes.
It would grant title to all landholdings up to 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) occupied before 2005 in the Amazon, comprising an area the size of France, and ban further land claims.
Wives add spice to the mix, and, finally, the next generation is surprised to find that the latest ideas from our state's land grant institution are not always met with wide open arms.
To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;
Under the terms of the federal grant, the island's residents are to be resettled to drier land and a community that as of now does not exist.
And Simon chose men and sent to king Demetrius, to the end that he should grant an immunity to the land: for all that Tryphon did was to spoil.
Upon Party a's consent to the renewal, Party B shall again carry out the procedures for the grant of Land Use Rights.
However, the total amount of the Land Grant Fee shall be adjusted according to the actual area of the Land measured and confirmed by Party a.
Procedural Posture: Dolan brought an action against the city claiming that the conditional grant of a portion of her land in return for approval of her building permit was an unconstitutional taking.
Plus, commercial banks should also examine the land mortgage rate and grant credit with an appropriate percentage, avoiding over-credit.
Part Three, besides discussing the enactment of 1890 Morrill act, mostly deals with how functions of land-grant colleges were made to perfect.
A city of southern California, an industrial suburb of Los Angeles. It is located on part of the first Spanish land grant in the area (784). Population, 80,038.
In 1681 he persuaded the King of England to grant him land for a Quaker colony in America, to be named Pennsylvania (meaning Penn's forest).
MIT is one of two private land-grant universities and is also a sea-grant and space-grant university.
Each land register provides a record of transactions affecting a property, from the grant of the lease.
The university of Florida (UF) is a major, public, comprehensive, land-grant, research university.
It created an agriculture experiment center at each land grant college to help farmers solve problems.
Medieval system, where land was grant by a king to his aristocracy, and by the aristocrat to the peasant, on condition that each pay a service (or feudal duty) to his superior.
Utah State University (USU) is one of the nation's premier land-grant and space-grant universities.
The University received its charter from the State of Delaware in 1833 and was designated one of the nation's historic Land Grant colleges in 1867.
The University received its charter from the State of Delaware in 1833 and was designated one of the nation's historic Land Grant colleges in 1867.