Roughly 1% of that country was forested when it became independent in 1922. Now forests cover 11% of the land, and the government wants to push the proportion to 18% by the 2040s.
When the land is ready, farmers plant the rice seedlings and cover them with water.
Forest and integrated land use assessments cover forest lands and trees outside forests.
Sediment from runoff on land can cover corals or simply turn the water cloudy, cutting them off from the sunlight they need to survive.
They are now demanding a big reduction in the stipulated area of tree cover on private land.
Ecological conditions will improve with the increase in land under vegetative cover and reduced soil and water loss.
Land use and the land cover change mechanism research is the land use and the land cover research focal point question, occupies the important status in the global change research.
According to the analysis of different spectrum character, bands selection oriented to land cover sorts that easy to be promiscuous is carried through.
The results show that a relatively satisfied classification result can be achieved by using the classification method combined with BP neural network in land cover classification.
By closely combing urban planning, land use and land cover, we may distribute and use land resources more reasonably.
Owing to the old agriculture Great Power, China has long history of land development and various types of land use and land cover.
Land cover and its natural alteration, which play an important role in climate system and biochemistry pattern in globe scale, have brought tremendous effect to global entironment.
The study on land cover change detection by using remote sensing technology is one of the most important components in global environment change research.
Land use and land cover change (LUCC) is the main reason of global change, LUCC research has become the front in global change and hot question at present.
Owing to having long history of land development and various types of land cover, the change of China's LUCC is an important component part of global environmental changes.
However, the regulation functions to karst water depend on the structure of the epikarst zone, occurrence of strata, land cover and rainfall intensity.
Also land use and land cover change is an important input variables to global change model.
The results of forest aboveground biomass are very close to the fields measured results, and are consistent with land cover data in the spatial distribution.
The impacts on plants have complex interrelationships and lead to changes in land cover and atmospheric and soil environments.
The Acquisition to data of land use and land cover is basic work to LUCC research.
Then the application and advancement of remote sensing technology in focal global change problems such as land cover, trace gases, wetlands and land surface parameters are reviewed.
No matter in the whole world, country or yardstick of area, land use change always lead to land cover change.
Results show that the visible difference of runoff yield and sediment yield and land cover pattern were found in the up of Huanjian, Heshuichuan and Ruihe.
The survey of land use at county level is the basic work for land management and the actual accurate data resource of land cover in our country.
The relationships between topographic factors, various land cover types and the land surface temperature were analyzed using GIS spatial analysis tools.
The purpose of this study is to develop a land classification system for national land use and land cover database building and macro land resources dynamic monitoring.
The purpose of this study is to develop a land classification system for national land use and land cover database building and macro land resources dynamic monitoring.