The rubble was then dumped in a municipal landfill site on the outskirts of Florence.
It has been found that LFG is a potentially danger for the buildings near the landfill site.
Land selection for the landfill site is also very difficult, so the composting is a better option.
It was therefore the reason that caused the iron and manganese pollution in groundwater of landfill site.
The Pb contents of soil, water and fruit in longan orchard near by rubbish landfill site were investigated.
The site selection, design and the construction of Yizheng Qingshan MSW Sanitary Landfill site were introduced.
The foundation of domestic waste sanitary landfill site environment monitoring database in Shenyang was introduced.
The leachate in municipal landfill site is a kind of complicated waste water, which is hard to be treated at present.
The calculation method of charging standard of landfill site was discussed, the calculation formulation was put forward.
As landfill site working, biochemical process and seepage of leachate always affect and change drainage layer permeability.
If we continue to overlook the increasing waste in China, it is likely that China will become a huge landfill site sooner or later.
Study on the generation law of gases produced from municipal solid waste landfill site and their components have been conduct in Shenzhen city.
This article introduces the main functions and features of HDPE membrane and GCL used as the water resistance material for the refuse landfill site.
This chapter describes research that had been undertaken on selecting sanitary landfill site location and its factors that are suitable for the place.
It is difficult to select refuse landfill sites in karst areas and the present assessment method of refuse landfill site selection has many limitations.
The closer to rubbish landfill site, the pollution was more severely. The Pb content in longan fruit from polluted orchard was remarkably over standard.
According to the engineering design practice, some discussions on safe landfill site design technology of MSW fly ash and principle had been carried out.
A majority of landfill sites are at the low-lying zones composed of sandy soils, and it is important that the sandy soils are used as landfill site liners.
Through lab simulative research, the influence of leachate refluence on the stabilization in the landfill site was investigated under different conditions.
Scenic Study: an exploratory visit to Laogang MSW landfill of Shanghai, Asia's largest and most advanced technological Municiple Solid Waste landfill site.
Several landfill schemes of Bozhou domestic waste sanitary landfill site were discussed, optimum landfill schemes was determined by analysis and comparison.
Waste vehicles automatic management system developed by using VB6.0 and its application effect in Guojiagou landfill site of Mudanjiang city were introduced.
Therefore, matured waste should not be filled in water body of the third area after the first and second area in Ningbo Tongpenpu waste landfill site being finished.
因此,宁波市铜盆浦垃圾填埋场的第、第库区填满后,不能把第、 库区内的腐熟垃圾填入第库区的水域。
The hazardous waste that cannot be treated on-site will be collected and treated in central treatment and disposal facilities such as the new landfill site to be built.
The landfill site should set up integrated flies elimination working plan and management regulation in order to settle the flies problem at waste landfill site radically.
The Paterson landfill site in Glasgow, Scotland, and the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island, in new York, are both slated for ambitious urban environmental renewal projects.
The article analyzed the collapse accidents happened in the landfill sites at home and abroad and put forward safety precautions adopted with the management work of landfill site.
Closure engineering design of Taiyuan City Shanzhuangtou Domestic Waste landfill site, and management of landfill site and control measure of environment pollution were introduced.
Closure engineering design of Taiyuan City Shanzhuangtou Domestic Waste landfill site, and management of landfill site and control measure of environment pollution were introduced.