The new system can send a text to a mobile phone, or to another landline phone.
55 percent of Australians have a landline phone at home and only just over a quarter (29%) rely only on their smartphones according to a survey.
We tend to ignore the fact that our cellular telephone doesn't work like a landline phone;
School-year renters no longer bother with landline phone service; everyone has cell phones.
The iDect iHome Phone is looking to revolutionize the way we use our nearly obsolete landline phones with Android OS.
Mobile and landline phone services were lost, and for more than 48 hours it was only possible to make contact on satellite phones, although many of these had also been lost.
The difference between the mobile phone and its parent, the fixed-line phone, is that a mobile number corresponds to a person, while a landline goes to a place.
When almost everyone has a mobile phone, why are more than half of Australian homes still paying for a landline?
Lose the landline and answering machine. If you use your cell phone and voice mail to conduct business, you can do away with these devices and save the desk space.
So, when I recently returned home to Burlington, Vermont, I got rid of my cell phone and traded in an old, rusty bike for a regular landline telephone that is connected to the wall and everything.
Until more is known about the possible carcinogenic effects of cell phone use, curb your kids’ cell phone habits by encouraging texting or using a landline instead.
Communications habits are interesting too: despite some of the world’s highest charges, two thirds of Mexicans have a mobile phone—though only four out of ten have a landline.
Ditched the landline? Use a hands-free device like a headset or talk on speaker phone (preferably the former when in public).
The immediate problem is the rapid growth in the number of people who have only a mobile phone, and are thus excluded from surveys conducted by landline.
Phone conferences and leisurely gabfests should be done on a landline.
The iDECT iHome isn’t meant to ‘outspec’ any Android phones out there, but it’ll definitely be a great replacement for your cordless phone on your home landline, if you still have one, that is.
iDECTiHome 的定位并不是要跟其它的Android电话来竞争,但是它确实将是你家里的座机电话的理想的替代品。
Check out the latest cell phone and landline bills.
These days, the average office worker receives more than 200 messages a day via snail mail, e-mail, express mail, cell phone, landline, wireless Web, bicycle messenger, singing telegram, you name it.
Unless you're sure your cell phone service is going to be perfect, consider using a landline rather than your cell phone to avoid a dropped call or static on the line.
Many others keep their landline-phone service , only because it is needed for things like fax machines.
Unless you're sure your cell phone service is going to be perfect, consider using a landline rather than your cell phone to avoid a dropped call or static on the line.
Using reams of phone records, both landline and cell, scientists mapped out social networks across the entire United Kingdom.
'Since we had the landline installed Bruce always rushes to answer the phone when it rings. He's also fascinated by the buttons, which he loves to press.'
Through the screen installed at a corridor door, visitors can use software to talk to the hosts via mobile phone or landline. Even if they are not at home, hosts can also open the door for visitors.
Through the screen installed at a corridor door, visitors can use software to talk to the hosts via mobile phone or landline. Even if they are not at home, hosts can also open the door for visitors.