The modern varieties were divided into 10 regions, the landrace into 28 sub-regions.
Landrace sow was culled out after 8 farrowing, in order to increase producing profit.
The Landrace variety Monkhead use more soil water, but the water using efficient is low.
Methods 16 landrace swine were randomly divided into two groups used as donor and recipient.
The results showed the landrace were more heterogeneous than breeding cultivar in functional genes.
The landrace in our country carrying many specific genes created great influence on wheat breeding.
The results showed that the landrace grew rapidly, and the feed utilization rate and economic returns were high.
The results indicated that IMF of Meishan, Ningxia Black and Duroc were higher than that of Landrace and Yerkshire(P<0.05).
There were no significantly differences in the relative weight of heart lung + trachea between wild boars and landrace pigs.
There were no significantly differences in the relative weight of heart, lung + trachea between wild boars and Landrace pigs.
Some divergence may be attributable solely to natural selection of landrace traits, other differences may be attributable to selective breeding .
一些分歧可能是纯粹的 地方品种特征 的自然选择,其他方面的差异可能是由于选择性育种。
The additive effects of the above mentioned five reproductive traits was in favor of the Harbin White and Landrace, as well as the non-additive effects in cross combinations.
The germplasms of cold tolerance were not only widely existed on tropic, subtropic and temperature zone, but also difference with cold tolerance among plants of one landrace.
The effects of this SNP on backfat thickness in Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc were estimated using least square method. The homozygote pigs had thicker backfat than the heterozygote ones.
The additive effect of the gene on litter size in Tailiu Pig is 1.39 higher than the allele in Landrace. The gene in Taihu Pig is dominant to the allele in Landrace with dominant ratio of 0.81.
The genetic variation of E. coli F18 receptor (ECF18R) loci in 867 pigs including Large Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc, Ningxiang pig, Shaziling pig and Daweizi pig was detected by PCR-RFLP with Hin6 I.
采用PCR-RFLP技术检测了大约克、长白、杜洛克、宁乡、沙子岭和大围子6个品种共867头猪的E.coli F18受体(ECF18R)基因座的遗传变异。
The genetic variation of E. coli F18 receptor (ECF18R) loci in 867 pigs including Large Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc, Ningxiang pig, Shaziling pig and Daweizi pig was detected by PCR-RFLP with Hin6 I.
采用PCR-RFLP技术检测了大约克、长白、杜洛克、宁乡、沙子岭和大围子6个品种共867头猪的E.coli F18受体(ECF18R)基因座的遗传变异。