As with other programming languages, like Perl or Ruby, you execute XSLT by running it through a language interpreter.
The ScriptEngine implementation component handles the specifics of using a particular scripting-language interpreter.
The language interpreter would provide a set of relatively generic facilities, such as variables, control structures, and procedures.
To this end, learning by combining theory and compiler technology and computing theory, the realization of the C language interpreter.
A script engine ACTS as a mediator between your scripting code and an underlying language interpreter or compiler that ultimately executes the code.
In a local Orthodox church there is a Saturday service for the deaf facilitated by a sign language interpreter, after which the congregation have tea with the priest.
To use one of these scripting languages, install the script-engine implementation JAR file from this project along with the scripting-language interpreter JAR file itself.
This paper introduces a method of using the BASIC Language interpreter of DJS-131 to DJS-130. It offers some new functions, in addition to all original features which are kept.
In this model, a proper data structure is developed to store the information of functions, and a tiny programming language interpreter is designed and embedded to analyze the functions.
Although the event, which featured a well known political figure as the speaker, provided an American Sign Language interpreter, there were neither assistive listening devices nor captioning.
Regina is a native executable, available as Free Software source code, or pre-compiled to a large number of platforms — install it pretty much as you would any other programming language interpreter.
Turning every single word into the target language would put too much strain on the interpreter and slow down the whole process too much.
The policy engine is essentially a small interpreter that understands programs written in a simple policy language.
The compiler and runtime interpreter follow the language specification.
It is so difficult to communicate with the players when you don't speak the language. I can't say something to a player without an interpreter.
Ruby is an interpreted language, so you must associate an interpreter with your environment before the RDT can run or debug your application.
Scilab is an interpreter and a high-level language for engineering and scientific applications that is in use around the world.
In other words, we take advantage of Jython's interpreter and can derive a little testing language like this for Joe.
This action is similar to that of an interpreter like you might use for a scripting language such as Perl.
Strictly speaking, the cfengine program is just an interpreter of the cfengine language, and any cfengine programs are just scripts for that interpreter.
严格来说,cfengine程序只是 cfengine语言的解释器,并且任何 cfengine程序都只是那个解释器的脚本。
After you have a working Python interpreter, the Python tutorial is a great place to start learning the language.
In the Python language, everything is an object a program can access, including simple types that hold integers, as well as the actual code you write and its representation in the Python interpreter.
The WebSphere administrative (wsadmin) scripting program is a powerful, non-graphical command interpreter environment that enables you to execute administrative operations in a scripting language.
WebSphereadministrative (wsadmin)脚本程序是一个强大的、非图形化的命令解释程序环境,通过它可以执行用脚本语言编写的管理操作。
To run Rails 3, your system must have either Ruby version 1.8.7 or Ruby version 1.9.2 or a newer release of the programming language and its attendant libraries and interpreter.
要运行Rails3,您的系统必须安装有Ruby1.8.7版或 Ruby1.9.2 版,或者该编程语言的较新版本及其附加库和解释程序。
The fact that the interpreter can be used interactively, or iteratively, provides us with an interesting rapid-prototype language and development/test environment.
And PHP is the computer language and interpreter used to code and execute Drupal.
Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that USES the representation to interpret sentences in the language.
David, who speaks my language with a perfect British accent will serve as my interpreter when I speak at CNBloggercom later in the tour.
David, who speaks my language with a perfect British accent will serve as my interpreter when I speak at CNBloggercom later in the tour.