The language of everyday life was evolving in Europe and at a certain point in the middle ages it was really only merchants, aristocrats and clergy who could deal with Latin.
In contemporary, outdoor slogans affects not only the language of everyday life, also influence people's consciousness and behavior, is an important propagation.
Yet it is precisely this deceptive ease which makes language a victim of its own success, since in everyday life its triumphs are usually taken for granted.
And this is obviously a toy example but you could see the use of recursion in everyday life and in everyday use of language.
The increasing prevalence of the Internet in everyday life means that language online is not a zero sum game. Instead, it allows multiple languages to flourish.
The contemporary theory of metaphor claims that metaphors are pervasive in our everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action.
This section mainly analyzes the recordings of Wittgenstein's daily language about understanding, thinking, knowing in order to eliminate ambiguity when people using these words in everyday life.
The textbook for international students "should be adapted to the native language and everyday life of the target students".
The textbook for international students "should be adapted to the native language and everyday life of the target students".