Another program will cover Cambodia and Lao PDR.
Secondly, Lao PDR is abundant in untapped natural resources.
Lao PDR (147), Timor-Leste (142), and Cambodia (133) have the lowest ranks in the region.
June 1, 2007-nanda Gasparini works in the External Affairs Department of the World Bank, based in Lao PDR.
But, in fact, poor countries like Cambodia and Lao PDR have been able to expand their market share of garment exports.
August 26, 2009 -just 8 percent of households in Lao PDR are headed by women, but these families account for 43 percent of the country's poor.
To put this into perspective, the almost $22 billion is four times the GDP of Mongolia and more than twice the GDP of Lao PDR, and the year is not even over.
全面地看,近220亿美元是蒙古GDP的四倍,是老挝GDP的两倍多,而且现在还没到年底。” 卡普尔和另一位世界银行专家菲利普.安布罗西共同撰写了这份报告。
Such discoveries place Lao PDR among one of the few countries in the world where several entirely new species of large mammals have been found in recent years.
"The vulnerability is real in East Asia," said Jitendra J. Shah, who coordinates the World Bank's environmental program in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia and Thailand.
People’s incomes are well beyond where they were before the crisis and in some countries, like China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR, they’re growing at exceptional rates.
People’s incomes are well beyond where they were before the crisis and in some countries, like China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR, they’re growing at exceptional rates.