His conversation was larded with Russian proverbs.
He larded his lecture with many jokes.
His prose is larded with pompous expressions.
While some of the projects in the bill make sense, their legislation is larded with wasteful spending.
Politicians have for years larded voter lists with the names of foreign musicians, including deceased ones like Marvin Gaye, and have stuffed ballot boxes with abandon.
多年来,政客们用国外音乐家的名字给选民民单增添亮色,其中包括已故的音乐家们,例如马文盖(Marvin Gaye);肆无忌惮地用选民的名字塞满投票箱。
Playing mahjong is a technology, from theoretical height, including operational research, logic, probability theory, arrangement study, etc., also including larded humanities.
Today most young Indians speak only English or are bilingual in English and Afrikaans, though they may continue to chat at home in a kind of pidgin English larded with Indian and Zulu.
Today most young Indians speak only English or are bilingual in English and Afrikaans, though they may continue to chat at home in a kind of pidgin English larded with Indian and Zulu.