Figure 3: Large-grained assets constrain the choice of fine-grained assets.
A new in-situ direct shear testing method for large-grained rockfill materials is introduced.
In this way, high-level business process functionality is externalized for large-grained services.
Ultrasonic flaw detection in large-grained materials is difficult because of multiple scattering from material microstructure (grain noise).
Such services are usually legacy systems or packaged applications that do not offer cleanly defined, large-grained interfaces of the type specified by an SOA.
Sometimes you may define a large-grained service and recognize that it needs to be split into multiple services, but this is not much more than classic decomposition.
Software framework is an important approach to large-grained software reuse. Usually it is domain-specific and supports design reuse and code reuse at the same time.
The second solution is a large-grained one that returns all the information you need in a single invocation and ensures minimal effects due to network latency and system I/O.
第二种解决方案是粗粒度登录系统,它返回您在一次调用中需要的所有信息,并确保由于网络延迟和系统 I/O 带来的影响最小。
While services appear to be (on the outside) very large-grained distributed objects, they can, in fact, be implemented in any of a number of ways, in both OO and non-OO languages.
The way to accomplish this is to create very large-grained "facade" objects that wrap logical subsystems and that can accomplish useful business functions in a single method call.
From fine-grained programming idioms to large-grained, off-the-shelf packaged solutions, reusable assets provide a valuable vehicle for capitalizing on the work of other successful architects.
For example, the selection of large-grained assets typically represents a major architectural decision on the project, which then constrains and guides the selection of finer-grained assets and so on.
For example, assume you have a set of coarse-grained services that take potentially large XML documents as input.
These various options do offer a large degree of flexibility, but none of them offer very fine-grained control.
This opens up the prospect of configuring VGs with a relatively small number of disks and fine-grained storage allocation options through a large number of PPs, which are small in size.
这使得我们能够通过较大数量的PP,以较少数量的磁盘和细粒度的存储分配选项来配置VG,其中这些 PP 的容量很小。
The ability to handle such large volumes of data enables the company to monitor services at a very fine-grained resolution as needed.
The need to implement a large number of too finely grained services is an indication that this antipattern is being applied.
The terms loose coupling (a small amount of fragility) and tight coupling (a large amount of fragility) are often mistakenly used as synonyms for coarse-grained and fine-grained components.
The technology of reuse has matured from copying and pasting source code, to fine-grained reuse at the class level, to coarse-grained large-scale reuse at the framework and architectural levels.
从复制和粘贴源代码到类层次上的细粒度(fine - grained)复用,再到框架和体系结构层次上的粗粒度(coarse - grained)大规模复用,复用技术已经逐渐成熟。
The initial large grain microstructure became much finer after superplastic deformation. The large grained superplastic phenomenon could be explained by continuous recovery and recrystallization.
A coarse-grained, plutonic or intrusive igneous rock of felsic composition having large crystals of quartz, feldspar and mica.
The differences between conventional TMCP and new type TMCP were compared, and two mechanisms of low temperature large deformation for fine-grained were summarized.
For example, assume you have a set of coarse -grained services that take potentially large XML documents as input.
A large rock fragment, deposited in the midst of the fine-grained sediments on the floor of a proglacial lake or of the sea.
A large rock fragment, deposited in the midst of the fine-grained sediments on the floor of a proglacial lake or of the sea.