Logging to a database is somewhat slower than logging to text files, especially at busy sites, and the size of the database can become large so that maintenance becomes an issue.
We show how large mail files can affect server performance, and offer tips for reducing database and Inbox size, the cost of full-text indexes, and other ideas for users, administrators, and planners.
Amazon's offering includes a cloud service (EC2), a database for storing and serving large media files (S3), an indexing service (SimpleDB), and the Queue service (SQS).
Together, they compiled a database of 645 rituals from 74 cultures, drawing on the Human Relations Area Files, a large collection of ethnographic material.
When the source database size is too large and there is not enough space to hold intermediate data files, using pipe is the recommended way to move the data.
Arbitrary combinations of these operators on the files making up a database can answer a very large number of queries without requiring users to go into one record at a time processing.
Arbitrary combinations of these operators on the files making up a database can answer a very large number of queries without requiring users to go into one record at a time processing.