The large community helps ensure that the operating system, and the products it supports, are well tested, and (through the open source philosophy) improved and supported.
So seals and dolphins as well as large fish and turtles need to keep an eye open at all times.
Modern large-mouthed snakes, such as boas and anacondas, can eat large prey because their jaw joints are positioned well behind their skulls, allowing the snakes to open their mouths very wide.
Large temperature and salinity changes occur in shallow, partially isolated coastal waters, a degree of variability well beyond anything observed in the open ocean.
For the extended well, high angle drilling, horizontal drilling and deep well drilling, or in the well section of large dogleg severity, or the long open hole, casing wear often happens.
When the tool is in the open position during descent, a large flow area is exposed and maximizes flow through the tool to decrease cycle time and increase well production.
The extended reach well has such characteristics as large horizontal displacement, great deviation Angle and long open hole interval.
Still, despite ICBC's size and profitability, challenges abound for a foreign bank to crack open a market also being courted by some large, well-capitalized domestic lenders. Big U.
The page backgrounds alternate between solid bold colors and bright open white space, which will show well when held up in front of a large group.
The page backgrounds alternate between solid bold colors and bright open white space, which will show well when held up in front of a large group.