The event involves in various types exposition, display, large-scale conference, sports competition, cultural event, festival celebration and some other events.
Furthermore, large international sports events, such as Olympic games and World Cup, can not only promote nation's economy, but also improve living environment and are good to after competition use.
Some boxing events and free combat events, which blindly seek economic profit, have already deviated from the sports spirits to a large extend.
The actual application in the 11 th National Games has proved this method reasonable and feasible in risk assessment of large scale sports events.
They include the Open Day, the First UM Sports Day, and a series of large-scale academic events.
With these methods, team placings at the 24th Summer Olympics were predicted. These methods can also be applied to other large-scale multi-sports events, such as the Asian Games and the...
With these methods, team placings at the 24th Summer Olympics were predicted. These methods can also be applied to other large-scale multi-sports events, such as the Asian Games and the...