A scanner USES laser light to read the bar codes.
We can produce laser light a million times brighter than sunshine.
The laser light caused the gold atoms to generate a burst of plasmons.
When hit with laser light of the correct frequency, it becomes conductive.
"This random jitter would cause noise in the laser light signal," says Hogan.
Changes in the ions' vibration rate were measured by bouncing laser light off them.
In their simplest experiment, they shot laser light at the edge of a solid glass sphere.
Flooding the resulting cells with weak blue light causes them to emit directed, green laser light.
Instead of a whiny turbine drill he USES a flash of laser light to blast away dentin and enamel.
"We let the molecule interact with a laser light with a very specific wavelength, or color," she says.
The spins inside the diamond can be both changed and measured by shining laser light into the diamond.
The plan was to exploit the extraordinary purity of laser light to selectively excite uranium's rare form.
The team performed the experiment using linearly polarized laser light, which liberates unpolarized electrons.
Such intense lasers are better suited to power-beaming because the cells that collect the laser light can be smaller.
When laser light is bounced off the fibre, the reflected light is modulated in accordance with the electrical signals.
The satellite bounces laser light off the ground, allowing researchers to measure the terrain with extraordinary precision.
In January 2010 researchers reported using a computer-controlled hologram to twist beams of laser light into pretzel shapes.
These operate using the same principle as laser-based detectors but use beams made of ultracold atoms rather than laser light.
This excites the molecule into another excited state, from which we can, with another laser light, break it down into two atoms.
Skin irradiation with high-power pulsed laser light induces a thermal shock which stimulates fibroblasts to produce new collagen.
The laser light interacts with the object’s electrons, making the atoms vibrate and shifting the energy of the laser photons up or down.
Scientists have for the first time created laser light using living biological material: a single human cell and some jellyfish protein.
When imprinted on silicon glass, these converters are able to alter the polarization of ultra-short pulses of laser light passing through them.
By shining laser light onto hydrogen or antihydrogen and observing which wavelengths are absorbed, the energy levels of the two can be compared in detail.
Creators of the show are quick to say theirs is a more sophisticated incarnation of the laser light show. Still, they admit comparisons are inevitable.
To establish a secure link while remaining 100 metres underwater, submarines could transmit photons of laser light to satellites, for retransmission to base.
One well-known hologram of that era captured in red laser light a chessboard on which pieces could be viewed from various angles as a viewer shifted position.
One well-known hologram of that era captured in red laser light a chessboard on which pieces could be viewed from various angles as a viewer shifted position.