Based on his lack of communication, I feared our next phone call would be our last.
Even Steve Jobs seems rattled; last October, he dropped in on an investors' phone call to deliver a rant on what he sees as Android's flaws.
At last, he had no choice but gave a phone call to Mahone and turned himself in.
Here you are at last. I've been expecting you ever since I got your phone call.
Here you are at last. I 'been expecting you ever since I got your ve phone call.
When faced with only a few minutes of power, half of smartphone users will use the remaining time to text, while 35 percent will use their last moments to make a phone call.
F. While cleaning out her dormitory room on her last day at university, she received an unexpected phone call.
Last night I got a phone call from a supporter of our band who called me all the way from Shanghai!
I paid last year's taxes online, and now I just got a phone call telling me I won a cash prize!
Last week I got a phone call from Altoona, Pennsylvania, and the voice was very young, and the person said, "Thanks."
Good morning, my room No. is XXX. I'd like to pay my tele-phone call last night.
At 10.30am one day last week I got a reminder on my phone saying that at 11am I had to join a conference call.
The last call was made to Jack's cell from a disposable phone traced here — or within 100 feet of here.
So I got a phone call last week from someone who phoned to tell me about this new virus which they had discovered on the E61.
We agreed on attending the party last night. However, when I tried to call you last night, I found that your phone was off.
Last summer, they got a phone call asking, "do you have any clients interested in doing a USO show in Cuba?"
Next day, he receives a phone call from Sang Ho, a producer whom he has not heard from for the last three years.
This wont last, call now to view 09 985 2820 - phone lines open 24hrs, 7 days.
同时值得一提的是,您可以拨打我们的24小时热线09 985 2820前来看房哦。
This wont last, call now to view 09 985 2820 - phone lines open 24hrs, 7 days.
同时值得一提的是,您可以拨打我们的24小时热线09 985 2820前来看房哦。