If I sent a reply of any sort, all I would be doing is satisfying my own ego and getting in a jab or a last word.
Great is the last word anyone would choose to describe my performance! Without Mareya's guitar and voice to guide me, my song was completely in a mess.
Tellingly, though, he doesn't get the last word the album.
I'm sure that the new IARC report won't be the last word on this subject.
As he said the last word a sudden flush went up to his forehead and died out again.
One last word of caution: Always make sure you know whom you are doing business with.
So, this is my last word on physical pendulums, but you may see it again on the final.
Not having a supermarket in your Zip code isn’t the last word in access to healthy food.
For eight years she fought against cancer, but in the end her sickness had the last word.
But his friendly message was surely not without significance, so let's give him the last word.
For over 30 years, Rooney had the last word on the most watched television program in history.
The women shrieked with glee and the men shouted the last word of each stanza with the singer.
Woman always says the last word of an argument. After that what man says starts a new argument.
If I run out of things to say or write, I will simply repeat the last word to keep the momentum going.
If crows did not invent the art of having the last word, they are among its most ecstatic practitioners.
Certain rather stubborn individuals are determined to have the last word in increasingly heated debates.
The world is not the last word. You remember, it's not like a mathematical problem so there's no solution.
Echo is still ready to answer us when we call her, and she keeps up her old habit of having the last word.
We don't want anyone to think the testing of these 33 products is the last word on which lipsticks contain lead.
A woman has the last word in any argument. Anythellong a man says after that... is the beginning of a new argument.
Yosri Fouda, host of the nightly talk show, Akhir Kalam (the Last Word), had just met with the station's program chief.
夜间脱口秀主持人YosriFouda、AkhirKalam (Thelast word)刚刚与电视台的节目总监见过面。
It's always the last word at the conference which makes everybody go away and say, "Oh." I thought this was about women.
ARGUMENTS a woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that... is the beginning of a new argument.
The Fed will, of course do everything in its power to fight this ruling and it is certainly not the last word on the issue.
I do not claim we had the last word on the matter, but it is just wrong to say we missed the obvious point that Paul raises.
I do not claim we had the last word on the matter, but it is just wrong to say we missed the obvious point that Paul raises.