For this pattern early rice and late rice in summer, cash crops in winter were mainly planted.
Methane emission was higher from late rice fields than from early rice fields, in all treatments.
But the effects of straw manuring on growth and yield was obviously greater in early rice than in late rice.
The percentages of the urease-producing microorganisms had no clear change in the three kinds of late rice field.
The current average yield is only about 78% (late rice) and 70% (single cropping rice) of their potential yields.
No-tillage seedling-throwing techniques of single cropping late rice in Xiushui county were reviewed in this paper.
For instance, table 1 and figure 1 present data for two production functions, one for early rice and one for late rice.
No matter early rice and late rice, the rainfall efficiency is raised, so water-saving and high-yielding could be obtained.
The daily variation of CH4 emission in late rice paddy field was basically consistent with the daily variation of air temperature.
结果稻田ch 4排放通量的日变化与气温日变化基本一致。
The effect and the best amount of application of "Mufeng" late rice strong sprout agent on raise late rice seedlings were discussed .
The variety Xieyou 9308 was easy to be injured by low temperature than conventional varieties and not suitable to be sowed as late rice.
For late rice, we should pay attention to seedling and tillering stage, supply certain amount at middle stage, if soil K deficiency is severe.
It was found that the late rice yields were negative related with the accumulative times of the high temperature and drought in summer and autumn.
Taking single cropping late rice Wuyujing 5 and 93 25 as contrast, the variety characters and the high yield population quality indexes were studied.
The main results were shown as follows. (1)The Se contents of milled rice and rice pericarp in early and late rice did not show significant difference.
The transovarial virus in 1st and 4th generations of congenital viruliferous insects can cause the second infection on early and late rice respectively.
The loss rate of late rice is 29% in more severe disaster year which reaches great disaster, meanwhile the loss rate of early rice is approximately 10%.
Effect and economical benefit of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer application on late rice in different basic fertility of paddy soils was studied.
It showed that Chinese sprangletop germinates to have an emergence peak at 1 week after rice seeded in one season late rice and two season late rice or 2 weeks in early rice.
结果表明 ,千金子在直播田只有一个发生高峰期 ,单季晚稻直播田和连作晚稻直播田发生高峰期在播后1周 ,早稻直播田发生高峰期在播后 2周。
The results showed that the yield and quality properties of Xiangliangyou 68 and Zhuliangyou 819 in early rice and Fengyou 299, Peiliang 288 and Jinyou 207 in late rice were better.
The virulence characteristics of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal, from paddy field population and greenhouse population collected in late rice field last year was compared.
Since 1987, late rice is planted in extensive area. The meteorological factors influencing the variation of grain yield per unit area from 1987 on differ obviously with those before 1987.
The absolute values of the prediction error of the middle-late rice were between 0.02% and 3.77%, the average error was 1.9%. The precision was high, so the damage assessment method was feasible.
In late August the school's principal informed police that rice and wheat had disappeared but no action was taken, the Sunday Express said.
Each year hundreds of volunteers and villagers plant four different varieties of rice in late May across huge swathes of paddy fields.
Rice chalkiness degree decreased in timing early or late sowing.
The late-seedling stage is transitional stage from seedling to tillering, the growing condition of rice seedling has effect on tillers.
The late-seedling stage is transitional stage from seedling to tillering, the growing condition of rice seedling has effect on tillers.