Furthermore, the company has noticed that many of its customers are complaining about late shipment of orders.
W: I am afraid shipment by early May would be too late for us. Our customs formalities are quite complicated, and it takes time to distribute the goods to the farmers in our country.
We have to claim for compensation over our big loss as you are late for dispatching a shipment by almost one month.
That the shipment would be late, we were prepared to accept; that you would ship the wrong goods, we did not expect.
The last shipment we got was a month late, and the result was that we ended-up losing a ton of money on that deal.
It has already been late for 2 months. If shipment is too late, we'll be forced to withdrawthe contract.
The payment of liquidated damages for late delivery of any Shipment shall not release the Seller from its responsibility to complete delivery of such Shipment.
The payment of liquidated damages for late delivery of any Shipment shall not release the Seller from its responsibility to complete delivery of such Shipment.