The crust eventually becomes a rigid roof, forming a lava tube.
Therese Madden, third from left, in Viogelmir, a lava tube cave in Iceland.
He kept out deadly fumes wearing his own gas mask and sucked water from a lava tube.
Scientists believe these holes form when the ceiling of a subterranean lava tube collapses, possibly due to a meteorite strike.
Because there were roof collapses at several places along the lava tube that formed Indian Tunnel, it is possible to enter on one end and come out the other side.
An international team of scientists say they've discovered a protected lunar "lava tube" - a deep, giant hole - that might be well suited for a moon colony or a lunar base, CNN reported Sunday.
It's unknown whether the lava is residual material that's draining through the underground tube system or if the flow is still being supplied by lava from the crater, scientists say.
It's unknown whether the lava is residual material that's draining through the underground tube system or if the flow is still being supplied by lava from the crater, scientists say.