I think you'd better lay off fatty foods for a while.
As rural factories lay off workers, people drift toward the cities.
Those that did not lay off any lawyers have frozen hiring and squeezed more work out of their staff. So morale is dismal at many firms.
But to reduce operational costs, it seemed certain that we were going to have to lay off hundreds of them.
That's why it's important to be be prepared to change jobs, because a lay-off could happen to any of us, often without warning.
During the recession they had to lay off some partners, cut the equity shares of others and thin their layers of junior lawyers.
Lay off instead of firing; cut hours instead of laying off; do everything you can to retain your pool of talented, enthusiastic workers.
I was talking with a friend recently who took a voluntary lay-off to go to a new position at a start-up company.
Psychiatrists call this "externalizing blame." It's a way to lay-off shame and self-loathing onto somebody (or something) else so you can feel better about yourself.
Without the loan, she would have had to lay off so many people that such a divorce would have taken three times as long.
Like many other local firms, Natuzzi has had to lay off workers at its factories near Matera.
America's more flexible jobs market makes it far easier and cheaper to lay off workers.
In law firms, investment Banks, and other companies that employ highly-skilled workers, the decision to lay off an experienced professional is not taken lightly.
And because they've stopped spending money, more businesses have been forced to lay off more workers.
The other charities that dispensed with Mr Pallotta's services suffered similar falls and some had to lay off staff.
Virgin has committed not to lay off staff for three years and to keep the bank's headquarters in Newcastle, a city short of private-sector employers.
Anglo American became the latest mining company to lay off employees because of falling commodity prices.
Even traditionally defensive industries, such as pharmaceuticals, are suffering: Pfizer plans to lay off up to 8% of its researchers.
Essien, though, has been philosophical and typically laid-back about the lay-off, and he is simply excited about the new campaign.
The company will lay off 1, 500 workers in coming months at three assembly plants.
However, that didn't prevent the company from announcing plans to lay off 6, 500 employees this summer as part of a larger reorganization.
Banks also engage in active trading to meet their clients' wishes either to lay off risk or to take it on.
That's been their Big Idea for the last 30 years-lay off thousands in order to protect profits.
As orders have dropped, factories have started to lay off workers, cut overtime hours and in some cases withhold pay.
Because it is so costly to lay off workers, businesses are reluctant to hire them in the first place.
The company was forced to lay off a big chunk of its workforce and was then sold to TIBCO, a software company.
The company was forced to lay off a big chunk of its workforce and was then sold to TIBCO, a software company.