Frito-Lay is the biggest snack maker in America, owned by PepsiCo. and accounts for over half of the parent company's $3 billion annual profits.
The old lady stood petrified with astonishment, peering over her glasses; Tom lay on the floor expiring with laughter.
There lay her grandmother with her cap pulled far over her face, and looking very strange.
With over 80 beaches to choose from, you are sure to find a place to lay your towel.
It seems that what lay behind the clashes was disagreement over the list of candidates.
The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years.
He lay down here, drew straw over himself in lieu of blankets, and was soon absorbed in thinking.
She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk.
An' thou would'st do a healing miracle, lay thy staff over his shoulders and trust Providence for the rest.
States lay down rules about how many children each employee is allowed to watch over, the space care centers need per child and other minute details.
She sawherself sitting on a lawn. He lay beside her, and suddenly, after a longsilence, he rolled over and put his head in her lap.
The Equator runs across these highlands, a hundred miles to the North, and the farm lay at an altitude of over six thousand feet.
Back in the yard Boxer was pawing with his hoof at the stable-lad who lay face down in the mud, trying to turn him over.
At last she crawled over the swaying floor to her bed, and lay down upon it; and Toto followed and lay down beside her.
And so Jama Khan's land lay fallow for 30 years after his death, his family squabbling over his inheritance all the while.
Put a warm towel over your eyes: Put a washcloth in the dryer and lay it over your eyes. It will relax your eyes as well as warming you a little.
One duy, as he lay thinking, he saw a spider over his head, making ready to weave her web.
Better to hope that the IMF is called in to slash budgets and order mass lay-offs, and then to take over and blame everything on the previous lot.
There, wrapping the velvet cloak around her (it smelled like home and her governess's face powder), and laying the outdoor cloak over her for shelter, she lay down and slept.
She was so beautiful: her stature was slim; her long golden hair lay back in curls over her delicate ears.
The chambermaid had a lover in the bakery, and he had baked the ring into a roll, where it lay unsuspected until the search was over.
I pulled the sheet over my head and lay there, every muscle of my body strung taut.
Gossamer veils of fog lay over the dark spruce and hemlock hills that disappeared in the mist above me.
The danger is that the leaders of China and America will over the next decade lay the foundations for a deep antagonism.
It's Enron all over again — where Ken Lay Inc. scalped the public with utter impunity while regulators sat on the sidelines applauding.
这又是一场安然丑闻- - -健雷公司有罪不罚地削得公众头皮发麻而管理层却坐在旁边为此鼓掌叫好。
There are too many people attached to the idea of 'fate', and 'destiny', that they believe they can lay back, do nothing, and their fate will take over.
That interim executive can lay the groundwork for someone within the company to take over later, Wasley says.
He took over as chief executive from Lay in February 2001 but abruptly quit six months later, citing a desire to spend more time with his family.
He took over as chief executive from Lay in February 2001 but abruptly quit six months later, citing a desire to spend more time with his family.