By acquiring reasoning skills in the first few years of college, students can lay a foundation for lifelong learning.
But the new study may help lay a foundation for answering that critical question in the years ahead.
The analysis results in this article lay a foundation for optimizing design of liquid sensor structure.
Some basic definitions are also established to lay a foundation for further discussion in later chapters.
Take every course that's offered and focus on skills that can lay a foundation for your own business or next job.
The results will lay a foundation for the development and the improvement of phase-change energy storage system.
The analysis results lay a foundation for the further analysis of performance, dynamics and control system design.
These formulas lay a foundation for improving the design quality and developing a CAD system of this kind of cams.
The method will lay a foundation for more-genome-equivalent BAC library construction of CCRI 12 and cotton genome research.
On the basic, the optimum conditions of lab processing are found, which lay a foundation for the industry-scale production.
So, the selection of the curing agent and the improvement of filler dispersion powder lay a foundation for the conductive adhesive.
These equations lay a foundation for research of various wave pattern solutions and bring a convenience for further theoretical analysis.
Conclusion Lay a foundation for the study on three-dimension reconstruction study and other correlative systematic morphological studies.
A two-dimensional equation of press and filter process is proposed. This will lay a foundation for further application of this technology.
Objective To comprehend current status of injury in the residents of Shijiazhuang city and to lay a foundation for prevention from injury.
The relative research production can be used in intersection rebuilding and can lay a foundation for intersection integrated benefit analysis.
Objective To establish cardiac arrest models of the mice that would lay a foundation for the experimental studies of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Objective: to explore the developing feasibility of the ground part of Rhizoma paridis so as to lay a foundation for developing Rhizoma paridis resources.
These datas lay a foundation for the separation and recovery of mixed dibasic acids by solvent method and related solid-liquid phase equilibrium research.
The conclusions redound to the developing and extending of axial-flow constant press turbocharger with variable nozzle ring, and lay a foundation for later work.
How to lay a foundation for lifelong sport is still an important problem of learning in dire need of thorough discussion among school physical education circles.
In this paper, the author aimed at the question of threshing rice, design and calculation one of semi-feeding thresher, lay a foundation for the further research.
Researching the feature of capsid protein gene form porcine rotavirus JL94 strain in China is to lay a foundation for developing concentrated antivirotic vaccine.
Objective:To establish a stable CHO cell line expressing GLUT4-EGFP, and to lay a foundation for investigating the translocation mechanisms of GLUT4 in CHO cells.
The results show that the vortex board has the same cooling performances as vortex tube, which will lay a foundation for further study on the turbulent flow board.
The result of the validation shows the simulation system can realize all the functions of the console, and lay a foundation for designing an automatic test platform.
Panicle fertilizer can increase spikelets and prevent spikelet retrogression and lay a foundation for heading safely and increasing kernel setting and kernel weight.
This paper aims at finding out how to fabricate thin films optical waveguide and optical thin films by using this technology so as to lay a foundation for a further study.
This paper aims at finding out how to fabricate thin films optical waveguide and optical thin films by using this technology so as to lay a foundation for a further study.