Lazy initialization of memory structures will save CPU time and may defer the activation of other plug-ins.
Lazy initialization: it sometimes makes sense to defer initialization if the cost of initialization is significant.
Lazy initialization is quite useful in a number of scenarios when the initialization can occur as part of the first request to an object.
This pattern and similar techniques are sometimes called lazy initialization, since the initialization is not performed until actually required.
The example uses a lazy initialization approach and caches a reference to the Public Key from the CA Certificate to avoid the need to reload it each time the handler is invoked.
The main disadvantage of lazy initialization is your code becomes more complex because you need to check to see if the attribute has been defined yet and, if not, obtain its value.
The main disadvantage of lazy initialization is that your code becomes more complex because you need to check to see if the attribute has been defined yet and, if not, obtain its value.
Instead of double-checked locking, use the Initialize-on-demand Holder Class idiom, which provides lazy initialization, is thread-safe, and is faster and less confusing than double-checked locking.
不使用双重检查锁定,而使用Initialize - on - demandHolderClassidiom,它提供了迟缓初始化,是线程安全的,而且比双重检查锁定更快且没那么混乱。
Finally, lazy acquisition pattern was applied to the initialization of services by exposing a startup method with the framework context interface.
Normally, we would do as much initialization as possible in a lazy manner (delayed or when needed).
This smart client caches reusable data, asynchronously prefetches data that will be needed, defers initialization until an object is needed (also called "lazy loading"), and so forth.
The default-activation=”lazy” parameter in the XML indicates that the component’s manager is activated on demand and not on initialization of the Blueprint container.
XML 中的 default-activation=”lazy”参数指出组件管理器根据需要激活,不是在Blueprint 容器初始化时激活。
The default-activation=”lazy” parameter in the XML indicates that the component’s manager is activated on demand and not on initialization of the Blueprint container.
XML 中的 default-activation=”lazy”参数指出组件管理器根据需要激活,不是在Blueprint 容器初始化时激活。