My fish average 2 lb 8 oz and I've had two eight-pounders.
(Proverbs 18:30 LB) If God says it, count on it!
Performing Apache installation on lb-group servers
When he was finally freed, Israel weighed a mere 64 lb.
Starting Apache on lb-group servers and opening ports
Configuring Apache load balancer on lb-group servers.
在lb - group服务器上配置Apache负载平衡器。
Post-startup hook for start event for lb-group servers.
lb - group服务器的启动事件的启动后挂钩。
281 lb 8 oz of plastic wrap shaped as a ball, big enough to stand on.
I have to master the 20-lb dumbbells before I can progress to 25 LBS.
noting that cows produce 13 to 30 lb. of carbon dioxide per pound of meat.
People who have acupuncture once a week lose an extra 4.5 kg (10 lb) in three months.
Manila resident Evelyn Belo, who waited in line for an hour last week to get a 110-lb.
上周,马尼拉居民EvelynBelo排队等候1小时后,获得110lb (50kg)大米来养活自己的五口之家。
Romans 12:6 says, “God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well” (LB).
Listing 7 shows two commands. The first command, elb-create-lb, creates the load balancer.
清单7显示了两个命令,第一个命令elb - create - lb,创建负载均衡器。
But after five weeks of the camp's regimen - approved by doctors - Molly has lost almost 15 lb.
His favorite fruits and vegetables as well as 55 lb. of bamboo will be on board for nourishment.
Some of the women in each of the four groups actually gained weight, some more than 10 lb. each.
At 185cm tall, or 6 feet 1 inch, and 78kg, or 173 lb., I don't consider myself particularly chunky.
Let's call the two tiers app-tier (the application tier) and lb-tier (the load balancer tier).
我们把这两层命名为app -tier(应用程序层)和lb -tier(负载平衡器层)。
The pandas, who are fed chopped bamboo, excrete about 23 kg (50 lb) of the pulp a day, he said.
App-tier contains one server group (app-group) and lb-tier contains one server group (lb-group).
app -tier包含一个服务器组(app -group),lb -tier也包含一个服务器组(lb -group)。
If you begin by trying to lift 100 lb. weights, you will probably feel overwhelmed and quickly give up.
UPS estimates that the system has helped save its planes 250 to 465 lb. (110 to 210 kg) of fuel per flight.
Smaller, less-costly satellites weighing 500 kg. (1, 100 lb.) or less are emerging as practical options.
We are perplexed because we don't know why things happen as they do, but we don't give up and quit" (LB).
Chinese green tea called Tieguanyin, which costs $3, 000 per kilo (per 2 lb 3 oz) approximately $15 for a single cup.
The match starts when the village priest drops a 35-lb. ball in the middle of the two-lane highway that runs through Shukhuti.
To make this code executable, I must add the gram and lb methods to numbers by opening the Numeric class, as shown in Listing 2
要使此代码可执行,我必须通过打开Numeric类以便将 gram和lb方法添加到数字中,如清单2 所示
To make this code executable, I must add the gram and lb methods to numbers by opening the Numeric class, as shown in Listing 2
要使此代码可执行,我必须通过打开Numeric类以便将 gram和lb方法添加到数字中,如清单2 所示