MOST people who seek to lead a healthy lifestyle know that they should eat an array of fruits and vegetables every day.
Still, even a widower who only knows how to boil a hot dog can lead a more heart-healthy lifestyle if he's willing to change habits, she said.
Lead researcher Professor Jane Wardle said it is possible that young people follow a less healthy lifestyle than their elders.
Wellness, means "healthy lifestyle", people lead a healthy life. We do want a culture of trust, support.
Just like daily exercise leads to a more fit and healthy body, there are habits that lead to fire in your belly. If we are to cultivate such a lifestyle we must act accordingly.
However, liposuction in addition to a new lifestyle of moderate exercise and healthy eating can lead to a much thinner, shapelier body in the end.
However, liposuction in addition to a new lifestyle of moderate exercise and healthy eating can lead to a much thinner, shapelier body in the end.