Coal ash is known to contain dangerous elements including arsenic, lead, and selenium, yet the TVA refused at first to issue any health warnings about contamination from the spill.
As it travels through various points of the supply chain, there are possibilities of this food being exposed to temperatures or other factors that could lead to its contamination.
Therefore, the study of condition that crops threatened by lead pollution is vitally significant for the prevention of food contamination and protection of human health.
With the progress in time, this disposal site has become a hidden trouble having a potential to cause a major contamination accident, which would lead to the worst social impact.
Port facilities construction and renovation contribute to surface and ground water contamination and air pollution from asbestos, lead-based paint, dust, sediments, PCBs and petroleum hydrocarbons.
There are many factors pollute the surface water in Zhejiang province, daily sewage of town, industrial sewage and contamination of rural areas lead to serious water pollution.
Over several decades China's industrial boom has caused widespread contamination by heavy metals such as lead and cadmium, resulting in a silent health epidemic that can be difficult to spot.
It can lead to treatment fluid reverse flow, which cause formation contamination. After treatment, production declines dramatically, and with long period of production restoration.
It can lead to treatment fluid reverse flow, which cause formation contamination. After treatment, production declines dramatically, and with long period of production restoration.