Leadership behavior is a theory that leaders what and how to improve leading performance.
Coaches coach leadership behavior is a reflection of ability to control the training process of the important target.
Actually, the process of constructing school culture provides us a valuable background to study the principal's leadership behavior.
Questionnaires and multiple statistic method are used to explore the PM leadership behavior of head-teachers in Junior Middle School.
The research team also conducted another study that looked specifically at extraverted leadership behavior, not just self-reported traits.
Leadership behavior and collective efficacy should be regarded as group variable, and role involvement should be regarded as personal variable.
The kernel contents of modern leadership culture includes leadership system culture, leadership behavior culture and leadership concept culture.
DATA SELECTION: We selected 24 research articles on organizational reforms, leadership behavior, motivation mechanism and organizational culture.
There was a significant difference in head nurses' leadership behavior among different hospitals, specialized units and education levels(P<0.05, P<0.01).
So this dissertation explores the influencing mechanism of leadership behavior and organization commitment to organizational citizenship behavior through the method of empirical research.
This research provides yet more evidence that leadership based on care, rather than intimidation, is the key to a satisfied workforce, honorable behavior, and happier clients.
Delivery competency encompasses governance, leadership, program management, behavior management, domain expertise and business management.
The perceived cost and value of feedback seeking mediate the relationships of achievement goal orientation, leadership style with feedback-seeking behavior.
The principal is the core of school management and leadership. His leader behavior will reflect the management mode and the level of school.
There is significant interaction between leadership style and superior-subordinate relationship, organization support and management levels on subordinate behavior.
In fact, the behavior of leadership system embraces how a leader fixes a target, the way a leader organizes, directs various activities.
We must be willing to correct unsafe behavior of colleagues including leadership when needed.
The leadership art is the ability to convert good desire into active behavior, with which it is possible to organize an army from a group of people.
Research indicates transformational leadership can improve employees'job satisfaction, increase employee's trust to the leader, and show more organizational citizenship behavior.
To form a harmonious relationship between members, leadership must maintain knowledge coordination, behavior, solidarity and cooperation.
We also found that the employee's personal qualities has great influence on the cognitive of the leadership, the level of organization trust and the employee silence behavior.
Basd on the existing leadership theories, Scholars brought the authentic leadership theory up by extracting knowledge from positive psychology and positive organizational behavior.
Basd on the existing leadership theories, Scholars brought the authentic leadership theory up by extracting knowledge from positive psychology and positive organizational behavior.