I think Israel tends to be at the leading edge of technological development.
People like Vicky and her friends represent the leading edge, the trailblazers for a huge mass of young, eagerly aspirant consumers.
GPFS provides leading edge technology.
Noun: the luff is the leading edge of a sail.
"Whether you support us or oppose us, we're always at the leading edge," he says.
This is just one example of the performance characteristics of leading edge dual core servers.
So we are at the leading edge of what many people think is really the next big wave of medicine.
Verb: Luffing refers to a shaking or movement of the leading edge of a sail when it is not in trim.
Yet the First National Bank of Namibia, which bought the computer, is at the leading edge of a trend.
To judge how much time remains before the next leap forwards, look at the leading edge of the industry.
We are always on the leading edge, and the successes of the future will not rely on old ways of doing things.
Being a trendsetter. From fashion to electronics, being on the leading edge is both expensive and unnecessary.
Essentially, the leading edge of the chasing pulse sucks it in, acting like the event horizon of a black hole.
Ripples on the leading edge of humpback fins help the whales slice through water with grace and dexterity.
DB2 Express-C is a leading edge hybrid data server capable of supporting both relational and pure XML storage.
DB 2Express - C是一种先进的混合型数据服务器,可以支持关系数据库和纯x ML存储。
We need to invest in biomedical research and stem cell research, so that we’re at the leading edge of prevention and treatment.
To cut the leading edge of the pie slices in a simple circle pattern, an image is created with a transparent circle in the middle.
By July 2010, it had accelerated to roughly 15 kilometers per year, and the leading edge had retreated nearly 10 kilometers (6 miles).
We changed, but we became leading edge as it related to things like telecommuting, flexible work arrangements, and employment models.
In addition, the bill contained $6 billion in loan guarantees for “leading edge biofuel projects” that will commence construction by October 2011.
DHS awarded the task order against the Enterprise Architecture Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions (EAGLE) Information Technology services contract vehicle.
Compared to the typical wing used today, the SUGAR Volt wing is longer from tip to tip, shorter from leading edge to trailing edge, and has less sweep.
The ridge is formed primarily from marine sediments scraped off the top of the Australia plate and piled up on top of the leading edge of the Sunda Plate.
A more detailed view of the leading edge of the Eugenie Glacier's "floating tongue" reveals surface cracks and extensive calving of icebergs in Dobbin bay.
多宾湾内,近景观察吉尼冰川(Eugenie Glacier)那条“漂动舌头”的最前端,你会发现冰山表面的裂纹和大面积崩解的迹象。
To do this effectively requires close coordination of several key functions - consultative advertising account managers, travel expertise, and leading edge technology.
What I meant was not that Microsoft is suddenly going to stop making money, but that people at the leading edge of the software business no longer have to think about them.
Today, commercial aircraft remove ice that accumulates on wings in-flight by redirecting hot air from the jet engines to the leading edge of the wings to keep them warm.
For example, if the sail is let out too far for the wind's direction, the leading edge may shake or start to blow inward. Tightening up the sheet usually corrects luffing.
Most of us aren't charged with being on the leading edge of technology. But, when a new technology appears, those who are able to utilize it first usually win in the marketplace.
As a living-lab showcase of leading edge energy efficient infrastructure technology that hosts many internal applications used throughout IBM, the GIDC is a highly instrumented environment.