Learn to say no, and learn how to tell people that you can no longer commit to doing something.
There are no simple answers and like with the previous injunction of "Don't Say Yes, When You Mean No, " you may need to seek professional help to learn how to resolve your marital difficulties.
Learn to say no to requests that don't meet your needs, and once you do that you'll find how easy it actually is.
Join us for this very special "no slides" event to learn how you can start bringing Web 2.0 into your organization, or as we say, 'Take Web 2.0 to Work.'
加入我们这个非常特殊的“无幻灯片”活动,学习如何开始将Web 2.0引入组织,或如我所说,‘让Web 2.0工作’。
All culture have ways of saying yes or no and the way to better integrate is to learn how to say yes or no in a new culture.
All culture have ways of saying yes or no and the way to better integrate is to learn how to say yes or no in a new culture.