It could be the beginning of a long and exciting relationship, one of hands-on learning-by-doing, and one of great fun.
In Botswana, the research phase of a learning-by-doing exercise to identify opportunities in textiles and garments and to prepare a mentored marketing campaign was completed.
If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.
The Maker Movement is rediscovering learning by doing, which is Dewey' s phrase from 100 years ago.
The Maker Movement is rediscovering learning by doing, which is Dewey's phrase from 100 years ago.
The entire memory got strengthened, but especially the parts that needed it most, and sleep was doing this work by using different parts of the brain than were used while learning the task.
I think this is also an approach of "learning by doing" and continual adjustments.
Here are some of the visible benefits of learning by doing.
Private schools can respond to market demands more easily, by doing things like offering smaller class sizes, more extracurricular activities and more rigorous learning methodologies and materials.
Learning to run a business is hard enough; you don't need to make it any harder by doing something you love rather than something customers love paying you a good profit for.
"Learning by doing" will become the norm, if a radical overhaul of the MBA curriculum succeeds.
Now that you are dying to improve your mind by learning a foreign language you are probably wondering how to go about doing it.
This is the key to singing - learning about the art, doing practical exercises, and by listening to others who have a well-trained voice.
这是学习唱歌的唯一途径。 培养艺术感,做实际练习,听那些训练有素的歌手演唱。
Learning by doing promotes critical thinking.
You can help the learning process by doing the following.
And fortunately, decades of research carried out by psychologists about learning and memory has produced some clear advice on doing just that.
University management of intellectual property is still young, and both policy-makers and technology transfer officers are learning by doing.
Exercising and challenging your brain — by learning new skills, doing puzzles such as crosswords, and even learning a new language — can be fun.
NOTE: Remember that you should be learning by doing, not memorization.
Secondly, organizing a learning by doing instruction practice and make a survey on the instruction for promoting reflection, so as to check up and perfect the instructional model.
The Active Program at CRMS is rooted in a philosophy of experiential education, as the school's founders strongly believed in the value of learning by doing.
The incentive comes from three aspects: promoting human capital accumulation, learning by doing effect and spillover effect of institution.
" real life " situations ? " learning by doing ". we incorporate both voice recording and video of the student ' s progress on the tour as a valuable tool in students learning process.
教学重点是真实生活情景下英语沟通的技巧练习? ? 边做边学。我们提供语音及录像工具,用以记录学生在旅游过程中取得的进步。
As a form of science education for children, "learning by doing" reflects the aim and spirit of competence education.
"Learning by Doing" activity, based on start work do probe the campaign of type scientific study.
In the mean time the concept of Active Learning is not very clearly defined. In some instances it is used as a synonym of concepts like "problem based learning" or "learning by doing".
"Learning by doing" is an educational concept, an educational method and an educational process.
As an important approach to improve employability, learning by doing takes employment as precondition, and is decided by one's learning ability in a very large extent.
As an important approach to improve employability, learning by doing takes employment as precondition, and is decided by one's learning ability in a very large extent.